As The Comstock Memorial Station passes its ten-year anniversary, we have amassed some interesting statistics.


From LoTW:

Today is Thu, 11 Jan 2018 UTC

You are W7RN


You have 275,071 QSO records

You have 150,083 QSL records


As incredible an asset LoTW is, we still get inundated with paper QSL’s


From W7RN - Lookups: 141,833. KS7AA - Lookups: 9,961. K7RC - Lookups: 6,549. K5RC - Lookups: 100,800


Too bad so many of them can’t understand “QSL TO EA5GL”. The W7 QSL bureau just shipped 1,500 paper QSL’s to our manager for the last quarter.


That is a rough average of about 27,500 QSO’s per year. It does not include the 50K QSO’s for W1AW/7. It does not include contacts made on the W7RN Remote, which is kept on the air every day by W1YL, K5XI, K9DX, K6OR, K6NV and K6DGW.


We exist to advance the art of radiosport and we are a 501c3 not for profit. We are proud to be affiliated with NCCC and MLDXCC and provide operating opportunities for the members. Also, we want to thank all the members who have supported building and maintaining the station.


Happy 2018. Come see us!


Tom Taormina, K5RC


The Comstock Memorial Station, W7RN