Contacting the CPUC will get their attention.  On the complaint for on-line you’ll state the problem, the in the next field you are asked to tell the CPUC what the response was from PG&E when you brought the problem to their attention.  I recommend you add a possible solution to the problem in your complaint.


I’ve been able to get PG&E to fix a few things involving Compressed Natural Gas at their Public Fueling Stations around Northern Cal.  I drive an NGV.


Be patient.  You’ll get a letter in the mail from the CPUC with a reference number to track the problem. 


You’ll get a call from PG&E by a person that jumps in after the CPUC gets involved.


Good luck!


Jerry Olive KD6WKY


From: Mldxcc [] On Behalf Of Jeff Stai
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:39 PM
To: NCCC <>; MLDXCC <>
Subject: [Mldxcc] OT: Getting PG&Es attention to fix something


I have a neighbor who has a PG&E issue (not RFI) with a pole near their house and PG&E is ignoring them.


I know some of you have some experience dealing with PG&E and I'm looking for advice on what to do.


I'm aware that going to the PUC is a step that can be taken, but what should or could be done first, and what is the best way to go to the PUC if that is called for?


Probably best to please reply off-list - thanks - jeff wk6i



RTTY op at W7RN