NA Practice problem
Matthew S. Trott
Thu, 18 May 95 22:33 EST
Yes, I am experiencing the same problem of the error message and the speed
changing on me in practice mode.--I have discovered that after having to reset
the speed many times in practice mode, after about 10 q's or so it finally
comes around and stays where I put it.--Go figure!
I have been dumped out of the program altogether when I attempted to log data
out of the practice mode (using SS). Don't know whuzza matter is.
I also picked mine up at Dayton. Musta been too much RF from rubber ducks
flying around and the discs got zapped. I left a message on LTA BBS so
hopefully it won't be too long before the problem is rectified or I am told
what I am doing wrong.
73--Matt, AA7BG
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