Anyone notice this...
Bob Patten
Tue, 11 Jun 1996 03:27:49 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 10 Jun 1996, Bill Fisher, KM9P wrote:
> I set up NA for a paddle and keying on LPT-1. The circuit seems to work
> fine. I unplug the interface from the computer, and NA starts sending
> DAH's. Is it my computer or the interface or the program?
The interface includes two pull-up resistors connected to the same two
pins as the dit and dah paddle contacts. When the interface is
unplugged, these two pins go low and act like paddle contact closures.
Curious about the DAH's though, should be alternating dits and dahs...
To stop the DAH's (dit/dah's?), go to the Keyer menu and disable the
keyer paddle...
Bob Patten, N4BP
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