[na-user] Auto Insert to Band Map

Charles Shaw Charles Shaw <n5ul@wtaccess.com>
Wed, 05 Feb 1997 20:53:43 -0700

Dave and John:

>     Last week we had an interesting discussion started by Karel, OK2FD
>     about automatically having the callsign inserted into the Band Map
>     when the space bar was pressed.  I see a problem with this in that
>     partial calls will get into the band map.  

>I thought about this also before returning my support for 
>the idea. I believe the key to remember is that if the radio
>frequency stays the same, the K8garblegarble, will be over-
>written with K8Cgarble, and then finally K8CC. I wouldn't 
>expect multiple entries in the band map unless the frequency was 
>changed between attempts. If my logic is wrong let us know.

I wouldn't mind having K8garblegarble in the band map (after no success in
working him) if I thought it was a station that would benefit my score when
I later returned to that frequency.  AND, if I could manually delete calls
from the band map at will, I could remove him when needed.  I could also
delete a call from the map if he leaves the band before I am able to work
him.  (You can probably tell from my comments that I spend too much time in
DXing mode and not enough in Contesting mode, and that I'm partial to 160
meters.)  The technical stuff is all Dave's! 

73, Charles

Charles W. Shaw, N5UL
Hobbs, NM

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