[na-user] NA & Mouse support

Dan Nixon Dan Nixon <adnixon@akorn.net>
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 09:15:50 -0500

As a new user of NA, formerly CT occasional contestor, I would like to
add my vote for some limited mouse support as possible. I think both
AA0CY and AK6I brought up some valid points.

I use a trackball, bus version, and it would be good to have the ability
to move things quickly with the it, rather than try to remember the
keyboard commands.

I think a lot of this has to do with how much contesting you do. If you
are like my friend Bill, N4VJ, (who convinced me to use NA), the
commands and functions are engrained in a younger brain, frequented by
contest use. Not in my case, I can use the help.   FWIW.....Dan, W4EA

Dan Nixon, W4EA
adnixon@akorn.net (Home of contesting.com)

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