[na-user] Wrong time and date during FD

Richard Sherman Richard Sherman <srichard@aldus.northnet.org>
Mon, 30 Jun 1997 20:59:02 -0400

Here's a wierd problem. About 5 or 6 QSO's into FD I realized the computer
clock was wrong. I made a note and changed the time in DOS. While doing
that I realized that the computer not only had the wrong time but when it's
turned off it defaults to the date 03-26-2015. So I've got 5 or 6 Q's with
the wrong dates. I should have immediately edited the times when I noticed
the problem, but didn't. I went back in today to change that info but
afterwards, I noticed that those Q's stay at the end of the log and won't
go back to the beginning were they belong. I assumed that since NA had put
them at the end because of the date it would be kind enough to return them
to the beginning once the new date has been entered. Anyone run into this
sort of thing before? The time adjust feature won't adjust the date by 18
years either.

73 de Rick WZ2T  aka NF2AR in FD

   ---If you're not part of the solution,
             You're part of the precipitate.---
                    Steven Wright

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