[na-user] Looking for NA templates

Rob Snieder Rob Snieder <pa3erc@muurkrant.com>
Mon, 26 May 1997 20:43:20 +0200

I am searching for NA Template files. If you are using NA and have
defined some templates for not pre-defined contests please share them
with me. May be it's a good idea to collect them and put them on a
central home page. If that is already done please tell me where to find
this place. We at PI4COM are concidering to move from CT 9 to NA 9 or 10

since this program can define custom contests instead of only using the
pre-defined major contests. We like to participate in more contests then

the CQWW's and ARRL's but also the PACC or ARI, SPDX and many more. This

option was promised in CT version 9 but is still not in. Is there any
news what the feature of CT will be? 9.27 or 10.1 with custom contests?
Let me state that we are happy CT users, nothing is wrong with CT 9.27

Rob Snieder PA3ERC

member of Contestgroup Oude Maas PI4COM/PA6WPX

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Internet e-mail : pa3erc@muurkrant.com
Packet Radio    : PA3ERC@PI8MBQ
PacketCluster   : PA3ERC > PI8DXC

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