[na-user] New NA Version 10.22

k8cc@ix.netcom.com k8cc@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 21 Oct 1997 22:18:08 -0500 (CDT)

21 OCTOBER 1997

A new version of the NA contest logging program is now available from the
Radio Bookstore, the DATOM Web Site, or the LTA BBS.  This release is the
result of significant effort on DATOM's part to resolve known bugs and to
add new features in response to user requests.

Recognizing that this release is occurring with CQWW SSB just around the
corner, users are recommended to try out the new version between now and the
contest.  As a backup, 10.21 will also be available on the web site and 
its always good insurance to have the previous version available if problems
arise.  The only compatibility issues concern the new radio selections and
the PAQP points rule - if these are avoided, there should be no problems running
an older version.

Please note that FT-920 support has NOT been tested, but was coded solely 
from Yaesu's documentation.  We've yet to see a Yaesu radio that matched 
the manual 100%, so FT-920 owners should not count on this support without 
a test drive.  Please report any problems with this and we'll get on it right

Also, the new Band Map was an extensive and difficult re-write.  We have
successfully tested both configurations thoroughly in a real live setting,
so we're pretty confident of the code, but with this late release we're out
of time to fix errors.  We're will use 10.22 at K8CC in CQWW SSB, but we'll
have 10.21 if a crash-and-burn bug is discovered.

Bug Fixes:

- Score Window would show 24 GHz band as 10 GHz.
- ADIF files made from CQWW logs were missing RSTs and rcvd zone.
- Phantom problem where the spacebar would no longer move from field to
  field, apparently caused during two-radio operation.  See UPDATE.DOC
  for notes about Alt-D (Check Alternate Call) operation.
- With multiple linked computers, an incoming QSO would overwrite the
  MULTIPLIER SCREEN.  Also, when a QSO was edited on a remote machine,
  the current editing field on the local machine would be temporarily
- In SHOW QSOS WITH window, QSOs with longer calls should show up on lists
  for shorter calls.

Program Features or Revisions (see UPDATE.DOC for details):

- Support added for IC-756, FT-920 and a separate selection for Omni-6. 
  New version of CONFIG.EXE (1.05) released to allow selecting new radios.
- With two radios, adding Alt to Enter or Minus keys allows setting main
  or alternate VFO on the non-main radio.
- Band Map can be set to either moving frequency or fixed frequency with
  new option on the PROGRAM OPTIONS CONTROL PANEL (default is moving).
- Added mult aliasing for contests where the QTH info in the exchange is not
  what is scored as a mult - see UPDATE.DOC for further info. (Note: this 
  fixes in-state support for CQP.)
- PA QSO Party points rule added. Template Editor version 1.07 released
  to allow this points selection.

File Updates:

- Newfoundland-Labrador (NL) section added to SECTIONS.MLT.
- Northern New York (NNY) section added to PAQSO.MLT.
- "CA" added as a multiplier in CALQSO.MLT (in-state).
- Non-mult DX enabled in CA QSO Party for in-state QSOs.  New CALQSO1.CRT
- New PAQP templates released (both in/out state) to support points rule.

Files included in the ZIP1022.EXE zip archive:

CALQSO.ALI          'CQP multiplier alias file
CALQSO.MLT          'CQP (in-state) multiplier file
CALQSO1.CRT         'CQP (in-state) contest rules template
CONFIG.EXE          'Configuration Editor 1.05
NA.EXE              'NA 10.22
PAQSO.MLT           'PAQP multiplier file
PAQSO1.CRT          'PAQP (in-state) contest rules template
PAQSO2.CRT          'PAQP (out-state) contest rules template
SECTIONS.MLT        'ARRL Section multiplier file
TE.EXE              'Template Editor 1.07
UPDATE00.DOC        'Documentation update of all changes 10.00 to 10.16
UPDATE17.DOC        'Documentation update of all changes 10.17 to present

Note the two different documentation update files.  UPDATE00.DOC reflects 
the changes made from May 1996 to April 1997, and the referenced page 
numbers correspond to the NA manuals distributed during that time frame.
UPDATE17.DOC reflects changes made since May 1997, and the referenced page
numbers correspond to the current NA manual.


DATOM Engineering

Dave Pruett, K8CC 
Tom Pruett, WB8VMN

Dave Pruett, K8CC                         DATOM Engineering
2727 Harris Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48198       DATOM@contesting.com
k8cc@ix.netcom.com                        http://www.contesting.com/datom

Submissions:              na-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  na-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW:                      http://www.contesting.com/datom/
Questions:                owner-na-user@contesting.com