[na-user] IC-756 workaround

k8cc@ix.netcom.com k8cc@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 9 Sep 1997 22:39:16 -0500 (CDT)

Greg, K0OB recently asked if there was a way to make the
IC-756 work with NA.  We plan to have a version out in early
October which will support both the IC-756 and FT-920 directly.
In the meantime, here's things to try.

Greg hit on the solution, and that is to change the CI-V address
in the IC-756 to make it act like an older ICOM radio.  Here are 
some suggested addresses to try:

address 3E hex          (IC-736)
address 2C hex          (IC-765)
address 46 hex          (IC-775)

I suspect the only real differences are in the VFOs - that is,
VFO A/B vs a sub receiver.  I'd try the IC-775 first, then IC-765
and IC-736.  The 775 is the newest ICOM I've had here to test
with NA, and it has the sub-receiver control.  I own IC-765s and
know that support works. I have not looked at the IC-756 in
enough detail to know what is different about it and what might
make the best emulation.

BTW Greg, what is the default address code for a IC-756?  Then
tell me which emulation worked the best and we can get it into
NA quickly.


Dave Pruett, K8CC                         DATOM Engineering
2727 Harris Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48198       DATOM@contesting.com
k8cc@ix.netcom.com                        http://www.contesting.com/datom

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