[na-user] Time Out - Packet

Tom Branch Tom Branch" <k4nr@earthlink.net
Sun, 29 Nov 1998 17:21:56 -0600


Ran into an old problem during the contest.  Our local DX Cluster was
having problems and I had to use the remote DX Cluster in Austin via
TexNet.  I'm able to keep my TexNet connection going by using the "Check"
command in my KPC-3.  When the spots are flowing all is well.  As soon as
there is a couple of minute break in the action, I lose the connection from
the cluster to the node.  TR-Log supports sending a return every "x"
minutes to keep the connection alive.  I'd like to see this added to
DX4Win.  Does NA support this?  When I spoke to the remote SYSOP I was told
to set this parameter to keep the connection alive....

73 de Tom, K4NR

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