[na-user] Cabrillo format

Garie Halstead Garie Halstead <k8kfj@wvinter.net>
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 17:51:27 +0000

I fired up Version 10.42 and entered a few bogus callsigns as well as
some appropiate PA Counties to get ready for the PAQP this weekend. 
When I generated the contest files for submission, I immediately noticed
a noticeable difference in my log.

As you know, the exchange for PAQP is a sequential Serial Number +
State/Canadian Province/DXCC Country for a non-PA entrant.  My log
(under info sent) did not reflect my serial number to the station
worked.  It did, however, show a 599 column (which I didn't need or
want).  Obviously, this is an operator error but I just haven't
determined quite yet what I've done wrong.  Any help appreciated.

Actually, looking at some of the other contests, I not seeing any of the
contest QSOs being numbered.  I guess we lost that under Cabrillo.


//Garie  *K8KFJ*

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