[na-user] NA Version 10.45 Available

k8cc k8cc" <k8cc@mediaone.net
Wed, 2 Feb 2000 09:01:40 -0500

01 FEBRUARY 2000

A new version of the NA contest logging program is now available from the
Radio Bookstore or the DATOM Engineering web site.  Version 10.45 has
the following bug fixes:

*   Corrected certain UA9 CQ zone defaults.
*   COUNTRIES IN ZONE window was not working (tnx K8DD).
*   .PRN files from W1BB contest did not contain QSO points (tnx W1TO).
*   Alt-M screen in ARRL 10 did not show first mult (tnx N4BP).
*   Xmtr ID in multi-2 Cabrillo files would overwrite part of exchange -
    fixed (tnx K5KA).
*   Fixed problems using CQ repeat with SO2R on mixed modes (tnx K6LA).
*   RTTY would be shown as CW and FM as SSB in .PRN files (tnx W0ZQ).

Version 10.45 also has the following new features:

*   When using a color monitor, entries in the ANNOUNCEMENT Window
are now color coded.  New mults are RED, new stations are WHITE, and
dupes are BLACK.
*   CQ repeat now has separate delays for phone and CW (tnx K6LA).
*   Added the caret as the CW half-space character (tnx K9OM and

For those of you keeping track of NA versions, there was no general release
of version 10.44.

Nunavut (VY0) has also been added to the various .MLT files as needed.

Also included are template and mult files for the GA, NJ and VA QSO Parties.
Many thanks to the users who provided these files.

Current versions of NA and accessory programs:

NA      10.45
NAU      1.30
NAQSL    3.14
TE       1.12
CONFIG   1.10


DATOM Engineering

Dave Pruett, K8CC
Tom Pruett, WB8VMN

Submissions:              na-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  na-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW:                      http://www.contesting.com/datom/
Questions:                owner-na-user@contesting.com