[na-user] NA Version 10.49 Available

k8cc k8cc <k8cc@mediaone.net>
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 00:07:53 -0400

26 JULY 2000

A new version of the NA contest logging program is now available from the
Radio Bookstore or the DATOM Engineering web site.  This version has the
following bugs fixes or revisions:

*   Cabrillo file name is now FILENAME.LOG (was CALLSIGN.LOG).
*   When grabbing a call from the log to spot or send to announce list,
     if it was a prior QSO the wrong frequency would be pulled.
*   Disabled certain features for teams in the WRTC 2000.
*   Fixed bug in multiplier display and enhanced "needed multiplier" prompt
     for contests with mults by band & mode.
*   Received grid was truncated in ADIF file (tnx K0GU).
*   Spot announcements were not displayed in contests with dupes or mults
     by mode (tnx G4KMO).

All users please note the change in the Cabrillo file name.  While this does
compel the user to rename the file, or copy the file to CALLSIGN.LOG, before
submittal, this will eliminate the possibility of inadvertantly overwriting
CALLSIGN.LOG.  This change was based on the overwhelming preference of a
a number of NA users.

The primary purpose of this release is to support the 2000 IOTA contest.
The IOTA.DAT file has been updated with the most recent IOTA information
thanks to Chris, G3SJJ.

Another release with certain fixes for NAQP (primarily SO2R support) will
happen early next week.

Current versions of NA and accessory programs:

NA      10.49
NAU      1.30
NAQSL    3.14
TE       1.12
CONFIG   1.10

Note: NA version 10.48 was a limited release to support WRTC 2000.


DATOM Engineering

Dave Pruett, K8CC
Tom Pruett, WB8VMN


Submissions:              na-user@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  na-user-REQUEST@contesting.com
WWW:                      http://datom.contesting.com/
Questions:                owner-na-user@contesting.com