[NA-User] Re: FT1000 with W1GEE CAT interface

k8cc k8cc@mediaone.net
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 23:40:44 -0500


I have one of the W1GEE interfaces, which are functionally equivalent to 
the MFJs.  I have used the W1GEE with NA and my FT-1000D in the past with 
no problems...well, at least until lightning whacked the W1GEE.

The W1GEE and MFJ interfaces fall into the category of "powerless" 
interfaces.  Well, they're not exactly powerless, but they have no external 
power connection, rather instead drawing their operating voltage from 
unused control pins (i.e., not the serial data pins) on the DB connector.

There are two issues with this:

1) The pins that the powerless interfaces use to draw their power from are 
the same pins that the K1EA keying standard uses for CW output and PTT.  To 
answer AD1C's question - yes, NA asserts these pins to drive powerless 
interfaces UNLESS CW KEYING AND/OR PTT have been enabled on the same 
port.  To put it another way, you can have CW keying and/or PTT while using 
a powerless interface, but the keying/PTT has to be on a different port 
from the powerless interface.

2) The COM port pins powering the powerless interface (seems an oxymoron, 
eh?) we not designed to be power sources, but signal pins.  They can be 
used as power sources as long as the current is low and the port pin can be 
driven high enough.  The RS-232 spec calls for +9V on the port pin, but 
some computers, particularly laptops, can't drive the pin high enough to 
power the interface.  I ran into this with my Dell laptop, where the serial 
port pin only goes to about 6.5V.  It works fine as a serial port, but when 
I tried to run an MFJ powerless interface (which from analyzing the circuit 
looks like it would need 7V to operate) it would not work.  The same 
interface works fine on any of the desktop computers in the K8CC ham 
shack.  I'd have to check the W1GEE circuit again, but I'll bet its 
requirements are similar.

So here's the checklist:

1) Make sure you have the right COM port.  Don't laugh - I've been there.

2) Make sure NA's CW keying and PTT is NOT on the same port with radio control.

3) Make sure your COM port is set for 4800 baud.

4) If the interface does not work, pull off the interface (with NA still 
running) and measure the voltage on the following pins: DB-25 = 4,20 or 
DB-9 = 4,7.  If these pins are less than about 7 volts its my opinion your 
serial port can't support a powerless interface.

Let us know how it turns out.



At 08:21 PM 10/29/01 -0500, Jim White, K4OJ wrote:
>...once againj this QCAO asks for assistance...
>new contest radio this year - FT1000....new interface to computer purchased
>(W1GEE plug n play)....
>Well not exactly...
>Plugged in the interface and turned on NA, told NA in config it was an
>FT1000, told it to look at the comm port....but nil.
>There does NOT appear to be talking going on between the two of them...if I
>type a frequency on the keyboard and hit enter the rig does not QSY
>there...if I change bands on the rig the software does not follow...
>If you have this combination of hardware and have exeperienced this and have
>h&k it would be appreciated...less than a week til Sweepstakes!
>Jim, K4OJ
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