Fw: [NA-User] Breakdown/Rate

Tom Horton k5iid@ntelos.net
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 00:42:10 +0000

Hey Quacks...that is whta you get for jumping the gun and trying to get an
unfair advantage on us little pistols! I think you should get a 1 hour 
I think your most productive hour would be just fine to be penalized with...
Hi! :,))).
73, Tom K5IID

At 22:18 04/01/02 +0100, Rex Maner wrote:
>OK Dave  the first Q was logged at 23:59:59 and I also had to change the
>date to  04:30:2002 to get it to work correctly.
>Tnx   Quack
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "k8cc" <k8cc@comcast.net>
>To: "Rex Maner" <k7qq@netzero.net>; "NA-USER" <na-user@contesting.com>
>Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 05:46
>Subject: Re: [NA-User] Breakdown/Rate
> > At 03:39 AM 4/1/02 +0100, Rex Maner wrote:
> > >I just finished the WPX test using NA10.55 and the rate sheet for the
> > >24 hrs. shows no contacts ( these are shown for the second 24) and the
> > >24 hrs is missing.   I took the .qdf
> > >file to NA10.54 and have the same problem ???
> > >Rex aka  WR7HE  for Test
> >
> > Rex,
> >
> > Make sure your first QSO is not "early", and I mean exactly!  NA starts
> > calculating the breakdown sheets from the first QSO, so if its off (say
> > starting at 23:59:59 it thinks that its the end of the second day.
> >
> >
> > Dave Pruett, K8CC
> > DATOM Engineering
> > datom@contesting.com
> > http://www.datomonline.com
> >
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