[NA-User] Re-Computer won't Key - Help!

Robert L. Kellogg ae4ic@nr.infi.net
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 20:50:19 -0400


I think you pinpointed the problem.  

The maximum voltage drop across a resistor the that will still key the
line is about .3 V.  A little above that and it just won't key at all.
The interface voltage, measured between the collector of the 2n2222 and
pin 18 is .88 V.  This is well into the range of "just won't key at all"

So, I need to take a look at the alternative interface circuits you

It's hard to believe that this problem hasn't surfaced before to K2
owners.  There's a lot of them out there.  I have a very early model,
and the keyer situation may have been changed, however.

Thanks very much for your help on this.

Bob Kellogg, AE4IC
Prolably, not nececelery. -Benny Hill