[NA-User] "LOG" Cabrillo question

David A. Pruett k8cc@comcast.net
Sun, 30 Jun 2002 21:44:13 -0400

At 06:30 PM 6/30/02 -0600, Jim George wrote:
>I have attempted to email the LOG file to several contests, and have found
>that the file content is incomplete as transmitted, although it is complete
>when I read it on my computer.  When attached and transmitted, it deletes
>the station's call I worked!  The PRN file appears to be complete.  Has
>anyone else had this problem?  I have copied some small LOG file contents
>and have pasted it into Word, and sent it that way.
>Any comments or advice?

In checking the ARRRL 160 and ARRL 10 contests we occasionally encounter 
logs that appear this way, with the QSO lines cut off.  We also get logs 
where the QSO lines are "wrapped" onto the next line.

Cabrillo QSO lines are not supposed to contain anything but ASCII (0d-127d) 
characters so I would not think the e-mailer is getting tripped up by 
control characters, but you never know.

I would think that e-mailing a log in a Word document would be a recipe for 

I don't think this is an NA problem, but most likely an e-mailer program 
problem where it cannot handle the long QSO data lines.  If you can recall 
which logs had this problem, it might be informative to go back and see 
whether these were logs with longer data formats such as SS (#### B K8CC 69 
MI is a lot longer than K8CC 599 04).

Just as a guess, I also wonder if having your e-mailer set for pure ASCII 
(as opposed to some sort of HTML equivalent) would help.

