[NA-User] Lost connection

Hank Kohl K8DD k8dd@arrl.net
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 17:12:03 -0400

With a K2 - always use the K2 cable - don't use other cables that may work
with other radios and their interfaces - they may use pins that will hurt 
or kill
the K2 I/O.

The radio has to be a Kenwood1 in the Config program.

My K2/100 worked great with a Dell laptop and NA at Field Day this year.

73    Hank    K8DD

At 7/30/02 04:03 PM -0400, Robert L. Kellogg wrote:
>I think my NA program has become corrupted.  Or, maybe some of you will
>have a suggestion.  (unfortunately, if it's corrupted I'm in trouble,
>because I inadvertently copied the bad copy over my original good copy.)
>I use it as a single operator with a single radio, so I don't have the
>more complicated network problems.  NA worked fine for some time, but
>suddenly it won't send CW and it won't do the band change with Alt-F1 or
>Alt-F2.  (neither on the computer screen or on the radio) I don't use
>the software sidetone, listening instead to the radio sidetone, but
>apparently the rig isn't keyed either.
>I just put the serial interface kit in my K2, and was hoping to take
>advantage of the serial connection between the rig and the computer.
>Using Hyperterminal, the computer can change bands on the K2, so that
>connection is working.  The problem exists whether I use the old cable
>(which worked) or the new one made for the K2.  In other words, I don't
>think it's the new serial interface, but I mention this just so you know
>where we're at with this thing.
>As a sporadic user, I may have just pushed some software switch through
>error, and that's why I'm writing this note.  Hopefully, someone will
>just say, "Oh, you need to check the Fritzamacallit box"
>The program seems to load as normal.
>Help or suggestions welcome.
>Bob Kellogg, AE4IC
>Prolably, not nececelery. -Benny Hill
>NA-User mailing list

*/     Hank Kohl  K8DD      k8dd@arrl.net
*/     ARRL TS              http://www.qsl.net/k8dd
*/     MI-QRP - Vice Pres.  QRP-ARCI - Director
If God intended you to be on single sideband, he would have given you only 
one nostril.
- Steve, K2PTS

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