[NA-User] Wintelnet and an NA network

Hank Kohl K8DD k8dd@arrl.net
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 00:14:03 -0500

I don't believe Wintelnetx will feed a loop network.

Only COM port and / or Ethernet networks.

I haven't tried it, but you may be able to feed a network from a
Wintelnetx PC to COM1 on a logging PC and COM2 on the same PC to a
loop.  Configure that logging PC for COM1 network and COM2
loop.  The loop goes to the Multi Op logging computers.

Don't know if NA will work with network on one COM port and loop on
another COM port.

73    Hank    K8DD

At 11/19/2002 10:50 PM -0600, Greg Richard wrote:

Is there a way to set up a
Wintelnet (by K1TTT) connection  to an NA loop network using 
just one com port on 3 computers?

One computer would be the Wintel connection on a cable modem and the
other 2 computers would be the networked NA computers.

I am running out of Com ports (and time for CQ WW CW)


Greg K4NO

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*/     Hank Kohl  K8DD      k8dd@arrl.net
*/     ARRL TS              http://www.qsl.net/k8dd
*/     MI-QRP - Vice Pres.  QRP-ARCI - Director

If God intended you to be on single sideband, he would have given you only one nostril.

- Steve, K2PTS

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