[NA-User] network ?

Steve Lufcy km0l@tfs.net
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 17:33:55 -0500

Are you networking thru serial ports? If so, your cable must go thru a Null
Modem. This is how I network two computers using NA.
GL de KØOU Steve in KC
----- Original Message -----
From: <KI9A@aol.com>
To: <na-user@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 9:02 PM
Subject: [NA-User] network ?

> OK folks, I'm not a computer whiz, but this is really giving me the
> I have 2 computers that I want to network, sounds easy.....but....can't
> the 2 to talk.
> I have checked it all, I think.
> 1. correct cable.
> 2. config setup - matched baud, named comp 1 & 2, setup "link" option.
> 3. on equip manager, selected 'network"
> 4. only question I have is IRQ, I should know this, but I don't. do they
> to match on each computer? What the heck is it?
> I'm ready to say screw it, I'm gg with 1 computer. Just wanted to have it
> a simple SO2R setup,  but I guess I'll just toggle the run computer back &
> forth.....
> Any ideas?
> 73-Chuck KI9A
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