[NA-User] ARRL10 Mult File adding 32 Mexican States

K8mp at aol.com K8mp at aol.com
Thu Dec 2 08:40:22 PST 2010

Suh-weet Dave    (Guess that's why you make the big  bucks)
In a message dated 12/2/2010 11:23:19 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
k8cc at comcast.net writes:


Modifying the mult file is only half (the easy half) of  what is necessary 
to support the new 10M Contest rules.  The NA program  itself must be 
modified to treat Mexico as a non-country (similar to US/VE)  and rely on the 
exchanged data to define it's mult status.

I've already  modified the mult file and am working on the program changes 
now.  This  is a big deal trying to figure out how to implement the 
"one-of-a-kind" rule  without breaking everything else.  We should have this all 
done and up on  the web site by early next week.  Watch for an announcement 
here on this  reflector.


Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 27, 2010,  at 10:01 AM, "Ted - W8KVK" <ted at w8kvk.com> wrote:

> I am  trying to update the NA ARRL10.MLT multiplier file to correctly
>  reflect this year's ARRL Ten Meter Contest Rules change adding the 32
>  Mexican States as valid multipliers.
> For those of you who  know your way around the NA .MLT file format, would
> you please take a  look at my current draft at:
>  http://www.seorf.ohiou.edu/~xx073/arrl10-mlt.txt
> I am  specifically interested in proper handling of the active
> Mexican  prefixes shown in the far right hand data column of
> the last 32 lines  of this draft file.
> Any feedback or suggestions would be most  appreciated.
> Thanks/73   Ted W8KVK  Athens, OH
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