tduffy tduffy@sygnet.com
Mon, 30 Nov 1998 23:12:58 -0500

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We really enjoyed the contest. With the great conditions, big QSO
numbers and super operators, it was fantastic.

We were very fortunate to have many experienced contesters on our team!

Congratulations to the KC1XX  and W3LPL teams on two outstanding
Also a super job by the VE3EJ and K1KI contest teams.

The competition in the USA multi multi category is fantastic! It is
pushing the teams and stations to phenomenal radio contesting records.
Just wait until the conditions really get good! Wow!

We are very proud of N9RV, single operator of W9RE, who has been a
steady 20 meter operator with us. His score from the midwest is nothing
short of amazing!

We are looking forward to the ARRL DX Contests in 1999.

See you then!

Very 73 from the K3LR CQWW CW Team!

Tim K3LR
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               CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1998

Call: K3LR                     Country:  United States
Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi
Zone: 5


 160      205      413     2.01     21      68    Tim W3YQ & Tim K3LR
  80      673     1839     2.73     29     110    Phil K3UA
  40     1996     5786     2.90     38     144    Greg K8GL & John N2NC
  20     2019     5869     2.91     37     158    Bob K3EST, Gene N2AA
                                                  and Fred K9VV
  15     1809     5233     2.89     37     147    Scott N3RA & Tom K8CX
  10     1570     4406     2.81     35     141    George KA3JWJ & Bob W9KNI

Totals   8272    23546     2.85    197     768  =>  22,721,890

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                              Continent Statistics
  K3LR   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST  1998 CW  Multi Multi

                 160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America    109  111  144  128  127  179  798     9.1
South America      5   11   27   54   73   72  242     2.8
Europe            76  509 1716 1523 1307 1085 6216    71.0
Asia               3   34  242  384  328  227 1218    13.9
Africa             8   13   23   29   28   33  134     1.5
Oceania           11   13   29   28   31   39  151     1.7

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                           QSO Counts By Band-Country

     K3LR   CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST    Multi Multi 1998 CW

 PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         
   9A     2           8          26          17          20          19         
   DL    10          89         302         206         195         179         
   EA     3          12          44          49          32          44         
   EU                 7          12          20          11           2         
    F     6          25          98          57          73          76         
    G     8          42         116          88          77          94         
   GM     1           5          11          11          11           8         
   GW     1           4          14           9           6           9         
   HA     3          25          58          44          46          38         
   HB                 7          23          18          15          14         
    I     7          14          73          81          61          83         
   JA                21         153         216         261         201         
    K    53          36          42          38          38          76         
   LA                 3          17          17          18          13         
   LU                 1           3          17          26          28         
   LY     1          12          27          25          18          14         
   LZ     1           8          32          30          24          18         
   OE                 1          15           5           4           8         
   OH     2          10          53          61          63          45         
   OK     2          52         123          83          86          72         
   OM     2           8          24          26          14          10         
   ON                11          33          28          25          18         
   OZ                 4          14          14           8          12         
   PA     3           9          32          20          19          20         
   PY                 1           8          15          21          22         
   S5     3          30          57          28          40          33         
   SM     1           9          39          33          28          23         
   SP     1          21          59          51          49          41         
   SV                            11           5           9           6         
   UA     1          15         130         251         128          40         
  UA9                 1          54         100          37           8         
   UN                             5          11                                 
   UR     2          26         127         109          95          39         
   VE    30          42          52          40          43          49         
   YL                 3          11           9           7           4         
   YO     1           5          18          18          17           8         
   YU     2           9          46          32          35          27         

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HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

 0    13/11    33/21   136/33    70/49    52/28     6/4   310/146  310/146
 1     9/8     31/15    94/25    65/21    31/0      3/0    233/69  543/215
 2     9/6     35/10    95/16    47/5      3/1      2/1    191/39  734/254
 3    11/3     46/16    86/11     9/5       .        .     152/35  886/289
 4    17/8     35/9     78/8     12/1       .        .     142/26 1028/315
 5     9/6     44/8     93/7     19/6       .        .     165/27 1193/342
 6    20/6     46/9     95/5     42/5       .        .     203/25 1396/367
 7    14/4     23/2     72/5     16/4       .        .     125/15 1521/382
 8     8/0     11/2     66/2     21/6     .....    .....   106/10 1627/392
 9     3/1      7/1     52/7     11/1       .        .      73/10 1700/402
10     2/0      2/0     40/6     12/2       .        .      56/8  1756/410
11     3/2      7/2     36/4     51/5     36/27     6/3    139/43 1895/453
12     1/1      6/1     19/2    108/6    158/27   110/36   402/73 2297/526
13      .        .      11/0     63/6    151/10   181/26   406/42 2703/568
14      .        .        .      88/4    124/9    147/10   359/23 3062/591
15      .        .        .      98/3    118/6     86/8    302/17 3364/608
16    .....    .....    .....    90/3     91/2     94/8    275/13 3639/621
17      .        .       1/0     93/3     67/5     40/11   201/19 3840/640
18      .        .        .      99/1     62/3     25/4    186/8  4026/648
19      .        .       8/0     63/4     53/4     23/9    147/17 4173/665
20      .        .      30/0     69/0     26/2     19/2    144/4  4317/669
21      .       6/0     60/2     68/3     47/3     31/2    212/10 4529/679
22     3/0      5/0     74/2     55/1     49/1     75/2    261/6  4790/685
23      .      19/1    100/0     32/5     56/2     38/1    245/9  5035/694
 0     3/1     28/1     68/3     43/1     21/0     .....   163/6  5198/700
 1     5/2     34/2     54/0     27/0      2/1      1/0    123/5  5321/705
 2     3/1     47/0     47/1     37/1      1/0       .     135/3  5456/708
 3     8/1     32/2     36/0      8/1       .        .      84/4  5540/712
 4     7/0     28/0     35/0      4/1       .        .      74/1  5614/713
 5    16/1     32/0     46/0      4/1       .        .      98/2  5712/715
 6    11/2     37/1     65/1     22/0       .        .     135/4  5847/719
 7     4/0     26/0     79/0      9/0       .        .     118/0  5965/719
 8     7/1      3/0     58/1     19/0     .....    .....    87/2  6052/721
 9     1/0      6/1     39/2      8/0       .        .      54/3  6106/724
10     3/0      5/3     18/1      3/0       .        .      29/4  6135/728
11     3/1     16/4     10/2     24/1     15/3      5/0     73/11 6208/739
12      .       5/0      7/2     64/1     46/2     80/3    202/8  6410/747
13      .        .       1/0     37/1     71/3    140/2    249/6  6659/753
14      .        .        .      26/0     63/3     93/2    182/5  6841/758
15      .        .        .      41/0     42/1     89/2    172/3  7013/761
16    .....    .....    .....    62/0     89/1     60/1    211/2  7224/763
17      .        .        .      73/2     84/2     35/1    192/5  7416/768
18      .        .       2/0     58/2     65/0     22/1    147/3  7563/771
19      .        .       4/0     55/1     26/4     22/0    107/5  7670/776
20      .        .      42/0     14/0     23/1     21/0    100/1  7770/777
21      .       4/1     40/0     33/0     23/1     17/1    117/3  7887/780
22     2/1      9/1     55/1     25/1     46/1     50/2    187/7  8074/787
23    10/5      5/0     44/2     22/0     68/0     49/3    198/10 8272/797
DAY1 122/56   356/97 1246/135 1301/149 1124/130  886/127    ..... 5035/694
DAY2  83/16   317/16   750/16   718/14   685/23   684/18      .   3237/103
TOT  205/72  673/113 1996/151 2019/163 1809/153 1570/145      .   8272/797


Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com