[NCC] List members

Scott Jones sjones@sygnet.com
Wed, 07 Oct 1998 17:18:43 -0400

Hi everyone:

I have included below the list of all people currently subscribed to the
NCC reflector.
We are still missing email addresses for:


Also, WT8C's address seems to be questionable.

Is there anyone who we have left out of this list.  I am trying to find
my original roster so I can verify the membership list.  If you have any
of the above mentioned addresses or corrections to the ones below,
please let me know and we can get them online too.

REMINDER!!!!!!  There is a meeting this Friday, October 9th at the
Country Kitchen in Austintown, Ohio.  Time of meeting is 7:30.  If you
need direction let me or K3LR know.

Good luck to those in the PA QSO party this weekend.  Should be a
blast.  I'll look for you all at some point from somewhere.  Enjoy!

73 - Scott, N3RA

Members of list 'ncc':

Jim Reisert <ad1c@contesting.com>      Jim set this all up for us.
Thanks Jim!
Scott N3RA <sjones@sygnet.com>
Tim W3YQ <W3YQ@infonline.net>
Dan K3DR <smith@infonline.net>
George KA3JWJ <ggross@microconnect.net>
Ray ND8L <nd8l@juno.com>
Pat N9RV <pbarkey@gw.bsu.edu>
Phil K3UA <k3ua@bellatlantic.net>
Tom K8CX <k8cx@infonline.net>
John VE3EJ <jsluymer@netcom.ca>
Dave W9ZRX <zephd@in-motion.net>
Tom K8AZ <tlee@kmlegal.com>
Bob W3GH <w3gh@kiski.net>
Scott KB3X <scott.hudler@averydennison.com>
Tim K3LR <tduffy@sygnet.com>
Jon K8LY <jonkovacs@aol.com>
Spencer W9XR <slazar19@sgi.net>
Scott K8DX <sdetloff@metlife.com>
Bruce W8GN <bknox@apk.net>
Dan W8CAR <w8car@lrbcg.com>
Val W8KIC <rve2@po.cwru.edu>
Jim WA3FET <jkb1@psu.edu>
Jim KB3AFT <jms403@psu.edu>
Pete N8TR <n8atr@en.com>
John AD8J <jgetz@pgh.net>
Barney K3LA <scholl@compuserve.com>
Reno WT8C <rmtonsi@ra.rockwell.com>
Jamie WW3S <jtolbert@gremlan.org>
Ron K8NZ <NZharps@aol.com>
John K8LN <k8ln@neo.lrun.com>
Tom AA3CE <twork@isrv.com>
Alan N3BJ <N3BJ@hotmail.com>
John K3MD <K3MD@penn.com>
Bruce AA3LX <AA3LX@aol.com>
Keith WA3HAE <WA3HAE@aol.com>
Bob N3IXR <bcross@bellatlantic.net>
Ed WA3SES <miske@euc.kennametal.com>
Bob KG8GO <KG8GO@aol.com>
Joan W3LT <W3LT@hotmail.com>
Roy W3RTY <drakrs@infonline.net>
Bob K8BL <K8BL@ameritech.net>

41 subscribers

Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com