[NCC] CQWW CW 1999 K3LR Multi-Multi
Tim Duffy
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:20:46 -0500
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Big Time Congrats to the KC1XX and W3LPL crews!!!
You guys keep pushing the bar higher!
Call: K3LR Country: United States
Mode: CW Category: Multi Multi
Zone: 5
160 153 22 56 Bob W3GH
80 477 32 105 Tim K3LR
40 1974 40 135 Bill W2RQ, Will AA4NC
20 2247 40 155 Scott W4PA, Eric NI3S
15 2314 40 155 Phil K3UA, Scott N3RA
10 2045 39 150 George KA3JWJ, Bob W9KNI
Totals 9210 213 756 => 25,635,864
Another first class operator line up made from top CW
contest men from all over the country. It is not often you see
40 zones worked on 3 bands during the same contest from the
same station.
The Operator story:
Bob, W3GH's 160 meter Western PA (Pittsburgh, PA) operating
experience came in very handy. 56 countries on 160 is not the
top multi multi, but every DX QSO is a major accomplishment when
propagation is not in our favor.
Bill, W2RQ from Newton, NJ is a multi multi regular from the
N2RM crew. Years of NTS CW traffic handling and winning contest
efforts make Bill a real "Iron Man" of CW contesting.
Will, AA4NC of Apex, NC kept the rate high and provided the "Rocks"
to the "Will Bill" 40 meter team. I am very glad Will made the trip.
Scott, W4PA from Gatlinburg, TN brought his years of CW contesting
(including being a part of the N2AA crew) and recent operating
experience from "non-east coast stations" to the K3LR 20 meter team.
The result is an outstanding 20 meter score.
Eric, NI3S from Butler, PA is the youngest team member at 18 years
old. This was Eric's second multi-multi from K3LR after having
taken N9RV's "Multi Multi 20 meter Top Op" crash course last
month during WW SSB. He passed with a 4.0 (also his high school GPA).
Scott, N3RA now from Canfield, Ohio has operated at every K3LR
multi multi since 1992. The RA UA 15 meter team is really coming
into its own. A new hour rate record of 204 belongs to this team.
Seeing these guys work a band is unreal. Nothing gets by them.
Scotty is the reason that K3LR is in multi-multi. I am very
glad he convinced me to do it.
Phil, K3UA of Corapolis, PA was the "Multiplier TaskMaster".
Years of multi-multi experience (enhanced by 57 cups of coffee)
lends itself to Phil being one of the very best CW operators in
the USA. This team had a clear win on 15 meters with the top
QSO and multiplier total among USA multi-multi stations!
George, KA3JWJ from New Kensington, PA waited years for conditions
like we had this past weekend. There were DX contests when he sat
in front of the 10 meter radio and made less than 20 contacts
for the whole weekend. The waiting finally paid off. Just look
at George's rate Saturday morning. He is fantastic!
Bob, W9KNI from the San Francisco, CA area came back for his
2nd operation from K3LR. A CW expert and co-owner of Bencher Inc,
Bob's experienced ears dug many multipliers out of the noise.
We'll see everyone in the 2000 ARRL DX Contests!
Tim K3LR
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HOUR 160 80 40 20 15 10 HR TOT CUM TOT
0 8/8 25/21 154/52 87/40 132/30 77/12 483/163 483/163
1 10/8 26/15 130/20 63/19 85/6 5/3 319/71 802/234
2 8/4 25/12 117/13 68/13 8/1 . 226/43 1028/277
3 4/2 41/12 128/8 26/3 . . 199/25 1227/302
4 6/4 40/5 117/2 18/9 . . 181/20 1408/322
5 8/6 27/8 113/7 6/3 . . 154/24 1562/346
6 5/1 19/3 72/4 35/10 . . 131/18 1693/364
7 5/4 7/3 70/4 84/6 . . 166/17 1859/381
8 8/0 6/1 58/5 114/6 ..... ..... 186/12 2045/393
9 2/2 4/1 20/1 77/6 . . 103/10 2148/403
10 3/0 3/3 18/4 24/3 . . 48/10 2196/413
11 4/2 4/3 29/1 58/2 50/36 11/11 156/55 2352/468
12 2/0 8/4 32/1 68/3 208/25 179/41 497/74 2849/542
13 . . 14/2 59/2 161/13 186/19 420/36 3269/578
14 . . 3/0 59/1 169/6 176/18 407/25 3676/603
15 . . . 47/3 117/4 151/6 315/13 3991/616
16 ..... ..... ..... 60/3 133/8 124/7 317/18 4308/634
17 . . . 88/4 126/6 89/2 303/12 4611/646
18 . . . 93/3 92/1 59/4 244/8 4855/654
19 . . 4/0 102/2 76/3 27/3 209/8 5064/662
20 . . 42/0 84/1 46/1 24/2 196/4 5260/666
21 . 2/0 106/1 55/3 51/2 14/2 228/8 5488/674
22 . 7/1 47/2 37/3 58/2 130/3 279/11 5767/685
23 2/2 13/2 82/2 54/1 67/1 115/6 333/14 6100/699
0 9/3 12/3 47/1 34/1 66/2 44/2 212/12 6312/711
1 5/3 17/1 37/1 51/1 55/1 2/0 167/7 6479/718
2 3/1 16/4 38/1 28/0 15/2 . 100/8 6579/726
3 7/5 20/3 29/0 39/0 1/0 . 96/8 6675/734
4 6/0 43/0 48/0 16/1 . . 113/1 6788/735
5 5/0 37/2 54/0 20/1 . . 116/3 6904/738
6 7/2 33/0 62/1 13/0 . . 115/3 7019/741
7 6/1 12/0 59/1 27/0 . . 104/2 7123/743
8 15/1 5/2 47/1 53/0 ..... ..... 120/4 7243/747
9 2/0 4/0 34/0 41/0 . . 81/0 7324/747
10 7/0 5/0 5/0 33/0 . . 50/0 7374/747
11 3/0 2/0 14/2 21/0 14/1 1/0 56/3 7430/750
12 . . 3/0 35/0 92/1 58/3 188/4 7618/754
13 . . 2/0 34/2 76/1 119/2 231/5 7849/759
14 . . . 21/0 64/1 99/1 184/2 8033/761
15 . . . 30/1 67/1 97/2 194/4 8227/765
16 ..... ..... ..... 29/1 67/0 79/2 175/3 8402/768
17 . . . 39/0 67/0 39/0 145/0 8547/768
18 . . . 42/1 37/0 22/0 101/1 8648/769
19 . . 3/0 49/2 27/2 18/3 97/7 8745/776
20 . . 13/0 54/1 18/1 14/0 99/2 8844/778
21 1/0 . 41/1 27/0 18/2 12/1 99/4 8943/782
22 2/0 1/0 47/1 18/0 23/1 25/0 116/2 9059/784
23 . 13/0 35/2 27/0 28/0 49/1 152/3 9211/787
DAY1 75/43 257/94 1356/129 1466/149 1579/145 1367/139 ..... 6100/699
DAY2 78/16 220/15 618/12 781/12 735/16 678/17 . 3110/88
TOT 153/59 477/109 1974/141 2247/161 2314/161 2045/156 . 9210/787
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Continent Statistics
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL percent
North America 97 80 129 150 123 128 707 7.2
South America 8 14 23 51 48 71 215 2.2
Europe 33 351 1680 1681 1630 1394 6769 69.3
Asia 5 21 244 503 576 447 1796 18.4
Africa 3 13 22 31 26 29 124 1.3
Oceania 11 14 26 34 38 37 160 1.6
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QSO Counts By Band-Country
PRFX 160 80 40 20 15 10
3A 1 2 1 1 1
3B8 1
3V 1 1 1 1 1
3W 1 1
4J 2 1
4L 1 1 1 1
4S 2 2
4U1I 1 1 1
4U1V 1 1 1 1 1
4X 1 6 8 7 5
5A 1
5B 1 2 2 2 1 3
5H 1 1 1 1
5N 1
5X 1
6W 1 1 2 1 1
6Y 1 1 1 1 1 2
8P 1 1 1 2 1 1
9A 2 9 18 25 25 21
9G 1 1 1 1 2
9H 3 3 3 3
9K 1
9M2 3
9M6 3 2 3 2
9V 1
9Y 2 1
A4 1 1 1 1
A6 2 1 1 1 1 1
A9 1
AP 1
BV 6 4 2
BY 1 5 7 3
C6 2 2 3 2 3 3
CE 1 1 2 2 2 3
CE9 2 1
CM 1 3 2 2 1 3
CN 1 1 2 3 2 2
CP 1
CT 1 2 2 3 3
CT3 2 3 4 1 2
CU 1 1 1
CX 2 1 7
DL 48 253 210 235 242
DU 8 7 3
E4 1 2 2 1
EA 1 16 37 47 44 31
EA6 1 3 4 4 3
EA8 1 1 2 5 4 3
EA9 1 1 1 1 2
EI 1 5 6 7 9
QSO Counts By Band-Country
K3LR CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST Multi Multi 28 Nov 1999 1659z
PRFX 160 80 40 20 15 10
EK 2 2 3
ER 3 2 1 1 1
ES 2 4 10 8 14
ET 1
EU 6 19 18 17 8
EX 1 5 1
EY 1 1 1
F 1 22 94 84 81 83
FG 1 1 1 2 1 1
FK 1 2 3
FM 1
FR 1 1 1
G 2 19 117 93 91 85
GD 3 2 1 1
GI 1 3 7 4 4
GJ 2 1 2 2 3
GM 3 2 18 12 13 9
GU 1 1 3 3 1
GW 1 3 7 6 13 7
H4 1 1 1 1
HA 2 6 41 53 43 37
HB 1 6 25 19 17 20
HB0 1 2 1 1 1
HC 1 2
HC8 1 1 1 2 1 1
HI 1 1 2 2 1 1
HK 2 3 5 2 2 4
HL 9 17 5
HP 1 2 1 2
HS 1 4 1
HZ 1 1 2 1 2
I 2 15 70 86 61 72
IG9 1 2 1 1 1
IS 3 4 3 4
IT9 1 2 4 2 2
J2 1 1
J3 1 1 1 1 1 1
JA 1 11 138 265 437 386
JD/o 2 1
JT 2 1
JY 1 2 1 2 2
K 44 21 48 59 42 32
KG4 1 1
KH0 1 2 1
KH2 1 3 2 3 3
KH6 4 3 2 2 3 4
KH8 2 1 1 1 1
KL 2 1 3 6 3 9
KP2 2
KP4 3 1 5 2 6 6
QSO Counts By Band-Country
K3LR CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST Multi Multi 28 Nov 1999 1659z
PRFX 160 80 40 20 15 10
LA 4 15 21 14 14
LU 1 1 16 13 23
LX 1 2 2 5 4
LY 1 11 37 28 25 22
LZ 4 28 34 31 29
OA 1
OD 1 4 2 2 2
OE 1 5 16 16 13 14
OH 3 39 75 74 55
OH0 1 3 3 3 3
OK 1 33 136 97 95 111
OM 8 39 27 32 22
ON 1 10 37 25 28 30
OX 1 1 1 1
OY 1 2 1 1
OZ 2 5 15 20 19 16
P2 1
P4 2 2 2 3 2 4
PA 1 10 38 30 28 27
PJ2 1 1 1 1 2 1
PY 3 5 15 19 20
PY0F 1
S2 1
S5 4 13 51 38 50 33
S9 1 1 1
SM 2 6 46 51 37 42
SP 1 16 57 72 60 61
SU 1 1 1 1 1
SV 8 6 10 5
SV5 1 2 3 2 2
T32 1 1 1 2 2
T7 1
T9 1 4 4 3 1
TA 1 4 2 1
TF 1 3 2 1
TI 2 2 2 4 2 2
TK 1 2 1
TU 1 2 1
TZ 1 1 1
UA 11 160 238 210 110
UA2 1 3 5 6 6 3
UA9 2 67 139 63 18
UK 1 1
UN 1 6 22 14 2
UR 16 122 112 115 67
V2 2 1 1 1 1 1
V3 1
V4 1 1 1 1 1 1
V7 2 1 1 1 1
V8 1 1 1 1
QSO Counts By Band-Country
K3LR CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST Multi Multi 28 Nov 1999 1659z
PRFX 160 80 40 20 15 10
VE 28 35 43 49 46 45
VK 5 3 5 7 3 6
VP2M 1 1 1 1 1
VP2V 1 1 1
VP5 2 2 2 2 2 2
VP8/h 1 1 1
VQ9 1 1 1 1 1
VR 2 1 1
VU 1 3 2 2
XE 3 4 6 8 5 8
XU 1 1 1
XX9 1 1 1
YA 1
YB 2 5 5 3
YL 1 3 9 11 13 8
YO 2 23 14 28 12
YU 12 44 26 30 30
YV 1 1 2 2 1 2
Z3 2 4 7 7 2
ZA 1 1 1 1 1
ZB 1
ZC4 1 2 1 1
ZD8 1 1 2 1 1 1
ZF 1 1 3 1 1 2
ZL 2 1 4 3 4 6
ZP 1 1 2 1 2
ZS 1 3 4 2 5
Submissions: ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests: ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-ncc@contesting.com