[NCC] NCC Meeting June 2, 2000

Lee, Thomas J. tlee@kmlegal.com
Fri, 26 May 2000 09:28:24 -0400

Greetings to the NCC!  

It was great to see so many old friends at Dayton.  We missed those who were
not able to get there.

Given our lack of organization during the last year, we need to decide
direction and future of the club.  As many of you know, MRRC has approached
us and has offered a close affiliation or a merger.  MRRC has many new,
eager members and there is potentially real benefit to moving in that
direction, so we need to discuss this seriously as soon as possible.
Consequently, although it's short notice, we're going to attempt a meeting
at the Country Kitchen at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, June 2.  K3LR (who, in case
you have not heard, is moving his family to Oklahoma for a little while)
will be in town and can make that meeting;  thus the short notice.

There's not much sense in having this meeting unless we get a sizeable
turnout, so please RSVP to me at k8az@contesting.com no later than Wednesday
noon to let me know if you plan to make it.  If not, we'll cancel the
meeting, so look forward to another e-mail by the close of business

If things do not go forward Wednesday, we'll try a back yard BBQ, possibly
at 'AZ's in mid to late July.

PLEASE, let me hear from you.

Tom, K8AZ

Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com