Patrick Barkey PBARKEY@gw.bsu.edu
Mon, 27 Nov 2000 12:42:34 -0500

                     CQ Worldwide DX Contest - CW
Call: W9RE
Operator(s): N9RV
Station: W9RE

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Indiana
Operating Time (hrs): 46
Radios: SO2R

 Band     QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:     26     12     14
   80:    116     15     49
   40:    792     30    101
   20:   1200     36    118
   15:    883     34    114
   10:   1186     33    108
Total:   4203    160    504  =  8,054,320



This contest had a little bit of everything.  Super conditions,
then,  BOOM,
the bands were gone.  Twice, actually.  Nothing like a timeout
every now
and then.

Used the first flare to take a brief nap, but gamely CQ'd my way
through the
next one.  Now that I see the rates it makes me wish I had
toughed out the
first one as well.

But all of the other memories of this contest are quite pleasant.
20 meters on Friday night.  Low bands on Friday were quite noisy
and not very
productive.  Had a bit more success on Saturday (this is always
true in the
WW because of the EU-to-EU frenzy that happens at the start of
the contest),
but when it comes to 80 and 160, Indiana just isn't New England.

There is so much activity on 10 meters now it is amazing.  CQing
on Saturday,
the piles were so big at times it was like I was rare DX.  I
could have gone
faster if there were a few less stations calling, but that's
something I will
never complain about.

Very good activity in every corner of the globe.  The JA
activity, in
particular, was quite good.

Thanks to all of those who moved for me, and to the thousands of
you who get
on every year to make this contest special.  And a big thank you
to W9RE
and his family for hosting me again.  All the hardware functioned


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR

   0    .....    .....    11/7     41/27    38/14    30/9   
120/57  120/57 
   1      .        .      36/18    43/19    37/13      .    
116/50  236/107
   2      .      10/9     39/11      .      60/4       .    
109/24  345/131
   3     3/3     10/7     26/3     40/5      5/3       .     
84/21  429/152
   4      .      13/6     42/5     36/3       .        .     
91/14  520/166
   5      .       9/4      6/5    108/9       .        .    
123/18  643/184
   6     5/4     14/5      2/2     71/2       .        .     
92/13  735/197
   7      .       7/3     75/9     26/4       .        .    
108/16  843/213
   8     3/1      4/4     74/2     22/3     .....    .....  
103/10  946/223
   9      .       2/1      9/5    109/5       .        .    
120/11 1066/234
  10      .        .      13/7     63/4       .        .     
76/11 1142/245
  11     1/1      7/3     48/4     14/0      5/4       .     
75/12 1217/257
  12      .        .      21/1     11/2     95/18      .    
127/21 1344/278
  13      .        .       1/0     13/3    102/5       .    
116/8  1460/286
  14      .        .        .        .      25/4    124/28  
149/32 1609/318
  15      .        .        .        .       1/0    147/10  
148/10 1757/328
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....     6/1    139/5   
145/6  1902/334
  17      .        .        .        .      19/6     96/2   
115/8  2017/342
  18      .        .        .        .      38/1     40/7    
78/8  2095/350
  19      .        .        .      19/1       .       4/3    
23/4  2118/354
  20      .        .        .      71/2      6/1     12/7    
89/10 2207/364
  21      .        .        .      45/5     12/4     41/3    
98/12 2305/376
  22      .        .       4/1     14/5     12/4     38/4    
68/14 2373/390
  23      .        .      25/8      3/0      1/0     92/3   
121/11 2494/401
   0    .....    .....    83/0     .....     8/3      1/1    
92/4  2586/405
   1      .        .      23/1      5/0     39/5     13/4    
80/10 2666/415
   2      .       4/0      6/1     57/0     16/6      1/1    
84/8  2750/423
   3     4/4     14/3     12/1     28/1       .        .     
58/9  2808/432
   4      .       8/2     14/0     45/2       .        .     
67/4  2875/436
   5     3/2       .      10/3     78/2       .        .     
91/7  2966/443
   6      .       7/1     41/0     28/0       .        .     
76/1  3042/444
   7     3/1      4/1     64/2      9/1       .        .     
80/5  3122/449
   8     3/0     .....    54/1      1/0     .....    .....   
58/1  3180/450
   9      .        .       8/0       .        .        .      
8/0  3188/450
  10      .       1/0     24/1     11/2       .        .     
36/3  3224/453
  11     1/1      1/1     12/2     34/0       .        .     
48/4  3272/457
  12      .       1/1      1/0      2/0     99/1       .    
103/2  3375/459
  13      .        .       2/2      4/2     89/2       .     
95/6  3470/465
  14      .        .        .       3/0       .     121/3   
124/3  3594/468
  15      .        .        .       2/1     12/5    104/1   
118/7  3712/475
  16    .....    .....    .....    .....    10/2     96/1   
106/3  3818/478
  17      .        .        .        .      42/0     45/4    
87/4  3905/482
  18      .        .        .        .      65/0     20/9    
85/9  3990/491
  19      .        .        .      22/0     27/3      4/3    
53/6  4043/497
  20      .        .        .      32/1      4/3     12/3    
48/7  4091/504
  21      .        .        .      31/1      5/3      3/1    
39/5  4130/509
  22      .        .       1/1     29/3      2/1      2/0    
34/5  4164/514
  23      .        .       5/1     30/8      3/2      1/0    
39/11 4203/525
DAY1    12/9     76/42   432/88   749/99   462/82   763/81   
..... 2494/401
DAY2    14/8     40/9    360/16   451/24   421/36   423/31      .
TOT     26/17   116/51  792/104 1200/123  883/118 1186/112      .

Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com