[NCC] K3CR Score

Tim Duffy tduffy@sygnet.com
Sun, 17 Sep 2000 19:19:28 -0500

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Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000 02:11:21 -0400
To: NCC <ncc@contesting.com>
From: Jim Breakall <jimb@psu.edu>
Subject: NA Sprint SSB HP - K3CR (WA3FET - Op)
Cc: "Mike Jacobs" <mwj116@psu.edu>, "Jim Spence" <jms403@psu.edu>,
   Steve Pake <spake@psu.edu>, "Ed Almasy" <eja100@psu.edu>
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                            NCJ NORTH AMERICAN SPRINT

      Call used: K3CR                                           Location: PA

      Category: Single Op All Band         Mode: PHONE           Power: 1500

      Callsign of Operator: WA3FET

      If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:


      Exchanged Information: K3CR nr JIM PA PA

      Hours of Operation: 03:59

      band      QSOs     points
       80         75         75
       40        122        122
       20         79         79
      TOTAL      276        276   X   47 multipliers  =  12,972

      Club or Team Name: North Coast Contesters


Hello All,

Well Jim, KB3AFT, who normally does all the contests here wanted to go fishing
today.  So he sort of talked me into trying this for the first time.  It 
was fun
to be honest but I can see it will take me a lot of learning curve to ever even
have a chance to be more competitive in this.  Everything worked but really
could not ever attempt much to use the 2 radio setup except to see when the 
band was opening.  It looks like I should have had about 10 QSO's more on 
75 and 20
and about 20 more on 40 to keep up with K8DX, etc.  My third hour really 
hit bottom
which probably means I was getting tired or something.  80M seemed to perk 
me back
up a little the last hour.

My hat is off to the guys who really do good in this now and I hope Jim 
caught some
good fish.  I'll try it again and won't give up when I can't find an 
operator but
hope to have Jim or our new guy here at PSU, Eric, NI3S, give it a try the 
next time.

Thanks for having me on the team and I did have some fun in this and all the
equipment worked flawlessly.  Of course, one of the amps needed new bleeder 
resistors put
in on Friday night when they just decided to blow out when Mike, N3MJ, and 
I were outside
working on some antennas and they just blew.  At least this didn't happen 
in the contest.

73 and glad to contribute some score to the NCC team from Penn State.


      I, by virtue of my statement below, have taken part in the

            NCJ NORTH AMERICAN SPRINT on 09/16/2000

      conscientiously applying my most ethical interpretation of the
      published rules for this contest.

      Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________

      Name: Jim Breakall                    Call: WA3FET
            264 Lutz Lane
            Port Matilda, PA  16870

Prof. Jim Breakall
Department of Electrical Engineering
Penn State University
225 EE East
University Park, PA 16802

Tel: 814-865-2228 (Office)
      814-865-6339 (224 EE East Lab)
      814-692-7779 (Antenna Test Range)
      814-863-8457 (FAX)
      814-692-4261 (Home)


Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com