[NCC] Fw: NCC Ohio QSO Party Invitation

Scott Detloff K8DX k8dx@raex.com
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 09:29:08 -0400

I'm passing this message on from K8MR:


A reminder that the Ohio QSO Party will be Saturday, August 25, from noon to
 midnight EDT.  I hope that all of you will find at least some time to get
 and pass out some contest qsos.

 For those of you in Ohio, this is the home state contest where you get to
 the stars of the show.  State QSO parties are often a entry path for new
 contesters, so get on and show them how it is done.  And may very well be a
 rare multiplier that will make everyone happy!

 For you outside of Ohio, you can help give those new guys in Ohio the
 experience of being on the receiving end of a run.  And you get familiar
 those calls (and them familiar  with yours) for bigger contests, such as in

 For everyone, the MRRC has put together perhaps the best mobile group of
 state qso party.  We will have K8CC/W8MJ, KU8E, AF8A/W8AV, W1NN, and K8MR
 on the road, who should be covering all 88 of Ohio's counties.  With
 multipliers for both CW and SSB that's a lot of action:  Shooting for 176
 possible county mults in 12 hours is like chasing 704 countries in a 48
 DX contest!  (And more mobiles from the NCC ranks of course are welcome!)

 Full rules, awards, log submission info, etc., is available at the MRRC


 We hope to see lots of you on the 25th.  And remember:  No Sunday Afternoon
 to deal with!

 73  -  Jim   K8MR

Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com