[NCC] [Fwd: [CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party, August 25]
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Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2001 22:10:16 EDT
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party, August 25
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The Mad River Radio Club is pleased to announce the Ohio QSO
Party, to be held Saturday August 25. This contest runs 12 hours,
from 1600Z August 25 to 0400Z August 26 (noon to midnight
Saturday, EDT).
Note this is a 12 hour contest - No Sunday Afternoon
Doldrums, Guaranteed!
Full rules, county lists, free logging software, forms (if
you still like paper), awards, etc., are at the MRRC website
Basic rules:
Categories: From Ohio: Single Op, Multiop, Mobile.
Outside Ohio: Single Op
Single-op has High, Low, and QRP Power divisions.
Bands: 80-40-20-15-10 meters; work stations once per band/mode.
Suggested frequencies: 45 KHz up on CW; SSB around 3850, 7225,
14250, 21300, 28450.
Exchange: QSO Number and QTH; i.e Ohio county, State/VE Province or "DX"
Scoring: One point per SSB QSO, Two points per CW QSO, times
Multipliers of counties (from outside OH); counties + States &
provinces (not including Ohio) from inside Ohio. Count
multipliers once per mode.
This year we have changed the rules to permit packet use.
The intention is to provide some real-time publicity for the
contest. We will take comments after the contest to see if people
prefer this change.
There are various plaques as well as certificates for the
winners. Among the plaques is one for the top DX entry, sponsored
by the Northern Ohio DX Association.
We hope to see you on August 25th!
73 - Jim K8MR
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://lists.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
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