[NCC] Wire Sale Update

Jimk8mr@aol.com Jimk8mr@aol.com
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 15:12:06 EST

I picked up the entire supply today - six rolls.

They weigh 53 pounds each, and at $.60/lb, rounded off the price came out to 

Those who ordered let me know if this higher price is still OK.  If you no 
longer are interested, no problem as I don't expect to have trouble selling 
it to someone else.

Since I had far more orders (though at a lower guessed price) I have decided 
to ration it out at one roll per person, starting at the top of the list in 
the order heard from on Tuesday.  In order:  N8VW; N8RHV; W8GN; K3LR; K8ND; 
W8KIC; K8GT; W8MJ; ND8DX; K8DD. I not all spoken for I'll start back with who 
requested multiple rolls.

73  -  Jim   K8MR   

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