[NCC] From KU8E

Tim Duffy tduffy@sygnet.com
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 16:55:25 -0600

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>From k3lr@contesting.com Mon Jan 15 17:40:59 2001
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Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 14:40:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Jeffrey Clarke <ku8e1@yahoo.com>
Subject: MRRC NAQP SSB Teams
To: mrrc@contesting.com, ncc@contesting.com
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Here is who I have for SSB so far. If anyone else wants to be on a team
please email me by Friday. I will start putting the teams together on
Friday. I will put them together the same way as CW with teams 1, 2
having the full time people and 3, 4, etc... with the part time guys..

                         Jeff KU8E

Full Time -  KU8E,K8GT,K8ND,N8VW,ND8DX,W8MJ,K9TM,K5IID,KW8N(??)

Part Time -  N9RV,N8ET,K8AAX,K8MR 

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