Nzharps@aol.com Nzharps@aol.com
Tue, 3 Jul 2001 16:36:10 EDT

In a message dated 7/3/01 2:48:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
PBARKEY@gw.bsu.edu writes:

<< I think the WRTC selection committee committed a
 tragic error.  There are, after all, one or two more
 contesters in Connecticut who were somehow left
 off the eastern squad.
 I think the underrepresentation of our friends in W1
 land is a grave issue and this should be taken up
 on the contest reflector at the first opportunity.
    - Pat
Pat..looks like the mid-west got shut out to no one's surprise.  The politics 
of selection made this a fore gone conclusion.   Would like to see how the 
other clubs voted.


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