[NCC] Bigtime QSL'ing
Scott Detloff K8DX
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 18:12:29 -0500
I'm trying to put a better effort into QSL'ing. A few years ago I sent
over 7500 cards through the bureau. It was really a pain, and even=20
with the cards that K3GP printed for free (with all QSO's printed=20
directly on the cards) the shipping was very expensive, even though
I went directly to each bureau.
I've been wondering if I could find some one in Europe to help with
this chore over the last week or so. As it happens, Kele, YT3T sent
out a message on Contesting.com offering to do exactly this!
In the 2000 CQ WW SSB contest, I was a part of "The Sky Contest
Club", and they printed and mailed out color QSL's for me for all the
QSO's via the bureau. Although I never seen any of them personally,
I did get some nice comments from lots of guys who did! Kele was
one of the guys who was behind doing this, and he is shipping me some=20
of the cards so I can take a look at them.
I'm getting quotes on 10,000 color QSL cards out of Europe. An average
price shipped to Ohio is about $550. This was something I was very =
looking into until I got this message back from Kele:
after checking various QSL printshops ww, I need to be more competitive:
10.000 QSL cards printed =3D $ 350 (6000 =3D $250, 3000 =3D $190)
Shipping to Ohio (cca 30kg parcel x $4.95) =3D $150
Total =3D $500 to your door
However, if you agree to have these 10.000 cards filled and sent from =
it will be:
Printing (350) + shipping to bureaus and managers (about $300) =3D $650 =
+ the
cost of labels, or you better supply your own.
You will have a report for each shipment to a bureau, as well as the =
cost of
Now isn't this VERY cheap?
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