[NCC] Warriors in Action
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 10:00:53 EDT
Fellow Warriors:
This weekend W8DRZ & I will be heading to Michigan for some "Road Warrior"
action in the Michigan QSO Party. I hope you will all find some time to turn
on your radios and pass out some qsos.
My goal is 1000 qsos in the 12 hour contest. Last year we did 760. But
since mobiles can be worked each time they change counties, as well as on
each band/mode, one active station can be good for 30 or more qsos.
Although 40 and 80 (at night) are the normal big bands from NCC territory,
also check 20 meters. It may be short enough for MI, especially to the more
northern parts of the state.
I'm not the only Warrior who will be there - John, AD8J, is going to be
portable in Leelanau county (using the famous "hand" map of MI's lower
peninsula, that's the hangnail on the pinkie finger). Look for him as well.
And don't work only me! There will be lots of other activity, both mobile
and fixed station. Work them too, I don't want to be seen as profiting from
manufactured or captive qsos.
The contest runs from noon to midnight (EDT) this Saturday, April 20.
Exchange is qso # and county/state. Full rules, forms, etc., are available at
For WriteLog users, there is now a module supporting the MQP. Thanks to
N9OH, it is available at: http://home.xnet.com/~sjwoodr/ham/modules/
Hope to hear from you on Saturday!
73 - Jim K8MR