[NCC] OQP Forum at Warren Hamfest

Jimk8mr@aol.com Jimk8mr@aol.com
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 21:25:45 EDT

I've just been volunteered into doing a half hour forum on contesting, and in 
particular the Ohio QSO Party, at the Warren (OH) Hamfest this Sunday, August 
18.  It's scheduled for 10:30 am, exact room location is not yet clear. 

I can't imagine that the flea market will be empty from all the people headed 
to the forum, but it will give a good chance to say hello, announce and 
discuss plans, strategies, rules, and so on.  

Stop by, say hello, and bring anyone else you think may have some interest.

73   -   Jim   K8MR 

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