[NCC] NCC Stuff
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 09:09:31 EDT
Hello to all. Things have been very quiet here for the past several months,
but think it is now time to get back to business.
This is prime antenna weather and I'm sure everyone is proceeding with their
projects to become louder on all bands. Many thanks K8MR and K8AZ for
helping to get my station back on the air. Jim and Tom helped dispose of
broken and non-rotatable yagis that have now been replaced with a Tribander
that works AND rotates. First trials for the new system will be the OQP in a
few short days.
Speaking of OQP, don't forget the annual event run by MRRC will be held on
August 23rd from noon to midnight. Lots of OH activity makes this fun.
Check out mrrc.net for complete rules.
This weekend is a great radio weekend here in OH. Saturday is the annual
"gooseapalooza" at W8AV's QTH near Wooster. For those who have never
attended, this is an open house and cookout that is a lot of fun. NCC'ers
are invited and usually there is a group that attends each year in the spirit
of co-operation that is growing between our two groups. There will be NO NCC
meeting at Goose's this year, but it will still be fun. RSVP to w8av@aol.com
if you plan to attend so that Goose can have enough burgers on hand. Bring a
dish to share if you want.
Also this weekend is the annual Warren Hamfest on Sunday. NCC'ers, K8AZ,
K8NZ and N8TR will be set up in the flea market selling goodies. Stop by to
discuss NCC plans and business.
Hope to see many of you this weekend.
Ron, K8NZ