[NCC] W8CAR SOHPCW 10 meter contest ramblings and score stuff
Dan Kovatch
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 07:25:20 -0500
ARRL 10-Meter Contest
Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR
Class: SO CW HP
QTH: oh
Operating Time (hrs): 25
Band QSOs Mults
CW: 1387 134
SSB: =20
Total: 1387 134 Total Score =3D 743,968
Club: North Coast Contesters
Wish I had stayed in chair more. Condx good but also weird at times. =
Pointed the
beam East at one point on Saturday where EVERYONE was stronger, =
including left
coast! Missed lots of mults-never heard HL,DU but had fun. Hope 10 is =
there next year!!!! Dan W8CAR
1000mp, Alpha 76PA, A3s@40 feet
This is my best ever 10 meter effort. The band was quiet hr (for most of =
the weekend) so I could work those puny weak stations-think it's called =
QRP. I would have been much better off working Sunday afternoon rather =
than watching my beloved Browns choke once again. I still feel I don't =
get all the mults I should-maybe a bigger antenna will work! A61AJ wins =
the good guy award as he patiently got parts of my exchange on Sunday =
early before the band was really open to him. The persistence award goes =
to HP3HUG(think thats the call) as he was PW and it took me 10 minutes =
to pull his number and call out-but he was a mult! Only had one jerk =
encounter when a W9 started calling CQ while I had a nice EU run going =
on about 28024-after awhile I coun't tell who was calling who so I moved =
(I hve no idea why the font changed here!) How did outher NCCers =
doooooooo? scores?
73 to all and CU @K8MR or on the bands.
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