[NCC] Hardline Clearance - LDF5-50A
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 11:13:21 EST
I have two pieces left from my hardline sale earlier in the year. Both are
Andrew LDF5-50A, 7/8" 50 ohm, with L5PNF or L5PNM silver plated type N
connectors attached.
The K8MR Christmas Party on January 4 would be a natural time & place for
pickup, so if you are in the market for hardline, I have:
#1. 165 ft, one male, one female. There are two very minor crushed areas
near the male connector end. Price is $215 ($1/ft plus $25/connector).
#2. 183 ft, one male, one female. There are two places toward the male end
that have significant crushes. There is about 130 feet of good cable between
the crushed areas and the female end. Although the cable checks good on an
MFJ-269, I can't guarantee its performance at high power, etc. I am selling
it as a 130 footer, so it will be $180.
These are stored at my work location, but will bring them home before the
party if anyone is interested. You can inspect them before deciding to buy.
In any case, see you all on January 4!
73 - Jim K8MR
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