George Proudfoot K3GP k3gp@arrl.net
Tue, 12 Feb 2002 04:17:54 -0000

The best laid plans often go astray. My plans for this contest were to work
all 30 hours, exceed 1,000 Qs and break the million mark.

All was on target until my out-of town daughter, her husband, and my two
grandkids decided this was a good weekend to visit. So Thirty hours was
reduced to just under 26 hours (and those hours were not all optimal, I
enjoyed time with my granddaughters then), I barely missed making the
thousand Q goal.... but I did manage to break the million mark for the first
time ever! C'est la vie...

Friday night and Saturday night propagation here was average at best -
Sunday morning on ten was MUCH improved, as was the rest of the final day.
It was a pleasure to run into a high percentage of skilled RTTY ops, along
with plenty of eager newcomers. Lots of unusual prefixes popped up for this
one, along with being called by some neat DX "surprises" [BV2WM, CN8KD,
ER6A, V73UG and A45WD come to mind].

Above all, this contest is FUN.....

80m: 	  	 50	 126	  10
40m:	 	137	 432	  64
20m:	 	215	 446	 100
15m:		194	 481	  81
10m:	 	374	1028	 163
Totals:	970	2513	 418

Total claimed score:  1,050,434 [At least until the UBN Robot has its way
with me]

Club Affiliation: North Coast Contesters

George K3GP
CU In Dayton [Flea Market Space 2269 near Mendelson's tent]

Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com