Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr@k3lr.com
Mon, 18 Feb 2002 21:01:15 -0600

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      Call:      K3LR
      Category:  Multi Multi
      Power:     High Power
      Band:      All Band
      Mode:      CW 
      Section:   WPA


   160      123      366        58     W3GH
    80      687     2061        88     K3LR
    40     1543     4593       108     VA3RU + VA3NA
    20     2388     7161       125     N9RV + KO9A
    15     2189     6567       126     K3UA + N3RA
    10     2179     6534       127     KL9A + K9VV

  Totals   9109    27282       632  = 17,242,224

Great job by fellow multi multi teams KC1XX, W3LPL and K9NS!
Great band conditions and big gun operators kept us close to the top.
614 QSOs in the first 60 minutes was a big time rush.
Nice to know that we were ahead of KC1XX by 414 QSOs after the 1st 24 hours.

Welcome to the 180+ club Lali, VA3RU. Nice first hour on 40 meters!
Check out the back-to-back 185/187 hours on 10 meters by 19 yr old Chris, KL9A!
Welcome back to Jim, KO9A (ex KB3AFT). Mr. Intensity Pat, N9RV rocked 20 meters.
The N9RV/KO9A team is lethal on 20 meters!
Rookie award goes to Nick, VA3NA (ex YT7WW). Nice job Nick!
Rock solid 15 meter ops Phil, K3UA and Scotty, N3RA didn't get much sleep.
Iron man Fred, K9VV made sure we didn't miss any mutipliers he knew about.
"Top Band Man" Bob, W3GH shows us that contesting at age 70 looks real good!

Tim K3LR


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                              Continent Statistics
   K3LR   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     17 Feb 2002  2359z

               160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   33   30   53   46   40   49  251     2.6
South America    7   14   18   41   48   56  184     1.9
Europe          84  625 1275 1915 1737 1596 7232    74.8
Asia             2   27  246  510  503  519 1807    18.7
Africa           3    9   16   17   20   21   86     0.9
Oceania          7    8   16   21   17   37  106     1.1

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HOUR    160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  

  0     9/8     58/29   182/51   150/48   113/44   100/21  612/201  612/201
  1     4/4     37/8    110/12   105/17    79/14    83/4    418/59 1030/260
  2     8/7     53/9     62/8     67/10    66/7     30/0    286/41 1316/301
  3     7/5     35/7     55/3     62/3     47/3       .     206/21 1522/322
  4     6/4     39/3     63/5     64/5      3/1       .     175/18 1697/340
  5     9/4     48/5     71/3    107/5       .        .     235/17 1932/357
  6     4/3     41/3     58/4     88/4       .        .     191/14 2123/371
  7     3/2     14/1     67/1    100/0     30/5       .     214/9  2337/380
  8     1/1      9/5     60/2     97/4     77/7     .....   244/19 2581/399
  9      .       1/0     40/2    109/2     29/1       .     179/5  2760/404
 10     2/1      6/1     34/2    122/2     24/3      1/1    189/10 2949/414
 11     4/1      3/0     42/0     78/3    136/5    111/30   374/39 3323/453
 12     1/0      5/0     40/1     62/2    117/4    185/19   410/26 3733/479
 13      .        .       2/0     48/1     89/5    187/8    326/14 4059/493
 14      .        .        .      32/1     69/4    155/7    256/12 4315/505
 15      .        .        .      19/0     73/1    140/5    232/6  4547/511
 16    .....    .....    .....    20/0     74/4    114/6    208/10 4755/521
 17      .        .        .      36/1     84/2     89/3    209/6  4964/527
 18      .        .        .      45/1     63/1     54/2    162/4  5126/531
 19      .        .        .      55/3     67/2     54/2    176/7  5302/538
 20      .        .      18/1     60/3     54/3     27/2    159/9  5461/547
 21      .        .      50/0     59/1     46/2     30/0    185/3  5646/550
 22     1/0      6/1     23/3     60/1     33/1     56/2    179/8  5825/558
 23    16/5     47/5     69/3     45/1     28/1     54/1    259/16 6084/574
  0     8/3     38/3     40/0     31/1     26/0     58/3    201/10 6285/584
  1     7/3     25/1     20/1     24/0     35/1     24/0    135/6  6420/590
  2     8/2     29/0     15/0     13/1     37/0     17/1    119/4  6539/594
  3     4/1     29/2     19/2     12/1     24/2      3/0     91/8  6630/602
  4     1/0     23/0     28/1     37/0     15/0       .     104/1  6734/603
  5     7/1     29/0     40/0     27/0       .        .     103/1  6837/604
  6     6/1     36/0     50/0     32/0     15/0       .     139/1  6976/605
  7     1/0      9/1     48/1     30/0     12/0       .     100/2  7076/607
  8    .....     3/2     46/0     44/0     44/0     .....   137/2  7213/609
  9     1/1       .      19/0     47/0     46/0       .     113/1  7326/610
 10      .       5/0     17/1     36/0     54/0       .     112/1  7438/611
 11     1/0      2/0     20/0     27/0     34/0     26/2    110/2  7548/613
 12      .       3/1      8/0     24/1     44/0     77/3    156/5  7704/618
 13      .        .        .      23/1     47/1     93/0    163/2  7867/620
 14      .        .        .      11/0     50/1     69/1    130/2  7997/622
 15      .        .        .      18/0     41/0     70/1    129/1  8126/623
 16    .....    .....    .....    24/0     44/0     67/0    135/0  8261/623
 17      .        .        .      27/0     44/0     57/0    128/0  8389/623
 18      .        .        .      32/0     43/0     55/1    130/1  8519/624
 19      .        .        .      45/0     45/0     41/0    131/0  8650/624
 20      .        .       6/0     36/0     35/1     17/0     94/1  8744/625
 21      .        .      39/0     40/0     24/0     12/2    115/2  8859/627
 22      .      19/0     48/1     43/1     17/0     13/0    140/2  8999/629
 23     4/1     35/1     34/0     15/1     12/0     10/0    110/3  9109/632
DAY1   75/45   402/77 1046/101 1690/118 1401/120 1470/113    ..... 6084/574
DAY2   48/13   285/11   497/7    698/7    788/6    709/14      .   3025/58 
TOT   123/58   687/88 1543/108 2388/125 2189/126 2179/127      .   9109/632

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                  QSO Counts By Band-Country (at least 10 on any band)

 K3LR   ARRL INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST    Multi Multi     17 Feb 2002  2359z

PRFX    160         80          40          20          15          10         

  9A     1          12          20          24          29          33         
  DL    12          86         196         274         246         241         
  EA     1          20          32          46          43          38         
  EI                 4          10           8           5           7         
  EU                 2          14          17          11          18         
   F     7          30          64          79          77          67         
   G    10          54         103         119         108         121         
  GM     3           9          16          17          14          10         
  GW     2           5           9          10           6           9         
  HA     3          23          46          87          69          71         
  HB     2          19          20          33          31          37         
  HL                             2          13          14          13         
   I     5          22          56         123         114          90         
  JA     2          22         182         294         325         395         
  LA     2           5          17          17          15          16         
  LU     2           2           5          13          12          20         
  LY     2           9          17          22          21          26         
  LZ                10          16          31          29          28         
  OE     1           7          13          21          22          20         
  OH                 5          23          60          47          39         
  OK     5          67         105         121         143         125         
  OM     4          23          39          46          50          41         
  ON     1          16          28          39          38          30         
  OZ     3           9           9          14          13          15         
  PA     2          13          33          38          37          37         
  PY     1           1           5          12          17          17         
  S5     2          19          42          33          40          42         
  SM     3          11          30          45          45          43         
  SP                27          45          77          65          55         
  SV                             5          10           7           7         
  T9                 4           5          12           5           4         
  UA     3          30          94         230         177         133         
 UA9                 1          45         139         108          71         
  UN                             4          11          10           8         
  UR     1          25          69         110          90          60         
  VK     4           2           3           8           3          14         
  VU                             2          11           7           2         
  YL                 4          12          15          14          14         
  YO                 4          13          22          23          15         
  YU     4          29          36          58          41          52         


Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com