[NCC] OJ4M's signal strength
Jamie WW3S
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 10:47:02 -0400
When I started to realize what appeared to be a hugh difference in signal
strenght, I started taking notes about certain signals and there strenghts
here in northwest PA. Now that I know Tims callsign, I looked back through
my notes and the only mention of OJ4M unfortunately isn't a good one. Around
1700Z OJ6E, OJ8W and OJ4M were all spotted on 15m ssb. I worked 6E and 8W
with ease (btw, they are 2 of 7 stations I worked on 4 band modes; I worked
OJ4M on 3, missing them on 15 ssb) and noted they both were around S5 but
OJ4M was right in the noise. The loudest I heard on 15m ssb was OJ7A when
they weres S8-S9 at 1650. I know this isn't very scientific, just an
observation from Meadville PA with my F12 C3 at 60' and Kenwood TS850.