[NCC] AD8J IARU score

John's Travel and Cruises jgetz@pgh.net
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 14:51:42 -0400

Just got on for a few hours to give out some
Q's.  Single Op, All band, Mixed, High Power.
Managed to find and work 22 different 0J's  None
of them were very loud. Worked a lot of the HQ

                CW      CW     SSB     SSB 
     band   QSOs     pts   QSOs      pts
     160       0       0       0       0      0
      80        0       0       0       0      0
      40      75     195     5       5     31
      20     109    409     3       7     37
      15      15      43      7     23     13
      10       0        0       0       0      0
TOTAL  199   647    15     35     81    SCORE: 55,242
John Getz, AD8J