[NCC] RE: WRTC update

Scott Jones Scott.Jones@Dobson.net
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 09:15:50 -0500

http://www.wrtc2002.org/wrtc/scores.xls  Here are all the final scores in
excel format.  This contains a bunch of extra info including score
reductions, etc.  

I think Tim and Pat are in-flight as we speak and are expected to arrive at
JFK airport in NY at 3:55 today.  

Here is the overall list with associated OJ calls.
1. OJ3A N5TJ/K1TO 438/2782 = 1.629.798
2. OJ8E RA3AUU/RV1AW 426/2627 = 1.619.226
3. OJ2V DL2CC/DL6FBL 473/2468 = 1.608.673
4. OJ3R N6MJ/N2NL 436/2705 = 1.560.008
5. OJ8K KQ2M/W7WA 394/2816 = 1.479.470
6. OJ5A VE3EJ/VE7ZO 437/2635 = 1.473.127
7. OJ1M K5ZD/K1KI 457/2519 = 1.469.255
8. OJ6E UT4UZ/UT3UA 416/2637 = 1.468.064
9. OJ5W LY1DS/LY2TA 416/2638 = 1.459.744
10.OJ5M DK3GI/DL1IAO 440/2534 = 1456.840
11.OJ6W OE2VEL/OE9MON 416/2560 = 1.436.448
12.OJ6C RW1AC/RW3QC 395/2776 = 1.414.100
13.OJ5U N6RT/N2NT 432/2435 = 1.412.640
14.OJ8W 9A9A/9A5E 373/2778 = 1.405.837
15.OJ7M SP3RBR/SP8NR 403/2650 = 1.402.440
16.OJ2F N6TJ/N6AA 397/2428 = 1.391.088
17.OJ3T RZ9UA/UA9MA 395/2708 = 1.390.795
18.OJ2H N5RZ/K2UA 410/2559 = 1.388.670
19.OJ8A K1AR/K1DG 432/2382 = 1.382.400
20.OJ2J HA1AG/HA3OV 408/2602 = 1.368.432
21.OJ3N N2IC/K6LL 405/2513 = 1.355.940
22.OJ4M K3LR/N9RV 366/2642 = 1.347.612
23.OJ3D W4AN/K4BAI 389/2530 = 1.347.107
24.OJ2Y UA2FZ/RW4WR 421/2389 = 1.331.623
25.OJ4N ON6TT/ON4WW 416/2260 = 1.301.248
26.OJ2Q YU7BW/YU1ZZ 381/2743 = 1.300.734
27.OJ6X OH1MDR/OH1MM 438/2267 = 1.293.414
28.OJ7C ES5MC/ES2RR 393/2505 = 1.288.254
29.OJ2Z G4PIQ/G4BWP 419/2342 = 1.277.950
30.OJ6N OK2FD/OK2ZU 379/2446 = 1.274.577
31.OJ1S SP7GIQ/SP2FAX 371/2498 = 1.234.317
32.OJ5T SM5IMO/SM3SGP 386/2381 = 1.214.742
33.OJ7X S50A/S59AA 379/2542 = 1.210.147
34.OJ4S JM1CAX/JE1JKL 392/2289 = 1.205.008
35.OJ7N YL2KL/YL3DW 382/2392 = 1.196.424
36.OJ3X 5B4ADA/5B4WN 386/2310 = 1.186.950
37.OJ7S N5KO/N1YC 389/2177 = 1.142.882
38.OJ1X K1ZM/N6ZZ 370/2354 = 1.139.230
39.OJ5E OH6EI/OH2XX 402/2059 = 1.131.630
40.OJ1F NT1N/AG9A 397/2101 = 1.105.645
41.OJ5Z F6FGZ/F5NLY 375/2016 = 1.086.750
42.OJ8N YT1AD/YU7NU 359/2335 = 1.069.820
43.OJ7W UA9BA/RN9AO 368/2168 = 1.052.480
44.OJ6K VE7SV/VE7AHA 351/2257 = 1.045.980
45.OJ4A DJ6QT/DL2OBF 347/2166 = 1.005.259
46.OJ1C LU7DW/LU1FAM 322/2335 = 986.930
47.OJ7A PP5JR/PY1KN 333/2263 = 978.021
48.OJ1N EA3AIR/EA3KU 340/2140 = 954.380
49.OJ8L S56M/S57AL 345/1920 = 883.545
50.OJ1W ZS6EZ/ZS4TX 369/1723 = 880.065
51.OJ6Y IK2QEI/I4UFH 339/1921 = 878.349
52.OJ4W UN9LW/UN7LAN 297/1893 = 699.732

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Jones 
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 3:06 PM
To: ncc@contesting.com; 'Roy Drake'; 'Tim Jellison'; 'Joe Vaccaro';
Subject: RE: [NCC] RE: WRTC update

Just talked to Tim live at the WRTC Gala.  He was getting ready for dessert,
but the top results are in.  After spending every moment since the contest
ended yesterday morning, the judges have finally spoken.  Here are the
partial results.  I will forward a complete list as soon as it becomes

#1 N5TJ AND K1TO (Three peat!)
#4 N6MJ N2NL
#5 KQ2M W7WA

Tim and Pat started becoming unsure near the end of this list...hopefully I
have 5th and 6th correct.  They had brought the top ten teams up on stage,
but they could not remember all the players and their positions.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Jones [mailto:Scott.Jones@dobson.net]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 11:08 AM
To: ncc@contesting.com; 'Roy Drake'; 'Tim Jellison'; 'Joe Vaccaro';
Subject: RE: [NCC] RE: WRTC update

Just talked to Tim.  He sounds very tired.  He said their Q totals were very
good, but mults were down from the top guys by a fair bit...he can't figure
out why.  That was the reason they were not more highly ranked at this
point.  Having said that, their were numerous software bugs and the realtime
scores were all impacted by the bugs.  TRLog users had double mult counts,
etc.  This was the reason the N6TJ and N6AA log appeared so high in the
realtime listing.  He was just heading intocthe awards dinner.  

He may call me back as they announce the winners.  I will send an email out
once the results are known.

-----Original Message-----
From: n3ra [mailto:n3ra@zoominternet.net]
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2002 9:36 AM
To: ncc@contesting.com; 'Roy Drake'; 'Tim Jellison'; 'Joe Vaccaro';
Subject: Re: [NCC] RE: WRTC update

Forgot to mention that Tim/Pat were at OJ4M.  If that call was in you rlog,
then you worked them.  K8AZ will post a summary of activity from their.  I
was at Tom's for the first 4 1/2 hours.  Also managed to work 20 or so with
my dipole.

More later.

----- Original Message -----
From: "n3ra" <n3ra@zoominternet.net>
To: <ncc@contesting.com>; "'Roy Drake'" <drakrs@infonline.net>; "'Tim
Jellison'" <w3yq@hotmail.com>; "'Joe Vaccaro'" <w3jtv@arrl.net>;
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [NCC] RE: WRTC update

> Well, the operating portion of WRTC 2002 is now over.  High claimed scores
> are on the web site at:
> Claimed Scores are
> #1 N6TJ&N6AA
> #3 N5TJ&K1TO
> The log checkers now to start their job! Things could easily change very
> significantly during this process.  N6TJ and N6AA were a wildcard
> and are well known for their vast experience, knowledge and skill.  We'll
> see how their log holds up during checking.  I'll bet it holds up
> well.
> Tim and Pat are high claimed #21, but their final position will change
> checking.  VE3EJ and VE7ZO are high claimed #7.  The French team that Ron
> ref's for is high claimed #21.
> I will send out another update after I get the chance to talk to Tim later
> today.
> Here is the complete high claimed list.  Remember these will change will
> checking.
> 1 N6TJ_N6AA 1747340
>  2 DL2CC_DL6FBL 1630760
>  3 N5TJ_K1TO 1626900
>  4 RA3AUU_RV1AW 1614591
>  5 N6MJ_N2NL 1569344
>  6 KQ2M_W7WA 1535352
>  7 VE3EJ_VE7ZO 1526878
>  8 SP3RBR_SP8NR 1498917
>  9 UT4UZ_UT3UA 1494540
>  10 K5ZD_K1KI 1489574
>  11 LY1DS_LY2TA 1477400
>  12 RW1AC_RW3QC 1460739
>  13 DK3GI_DL1IAO 1460164
>  14 OE2VEL_OE9MON 1459955
>  15 N6RT_N2NT 1441314
>  16 9A9A_9A5E 1406864
>  17 HA1AG_HA3OV 1401380
>  18 RZ9UA_UA9MA 1397115
>  19 K1AR_K1DG 1395966
>  20 N5RZ_K2UA 1378083
>  21 K3LR_N9RV 1373008
>  22 W4AN_K4BAI 1368045
>  23 N2IC_K6LL 1356583
>  24 UA2FZ_RW4WR 1347621
>  25 YU7BV_YU1ZZ 1340438
>  26 ON6TT_ON4WW 1323144
>  27 ES5MC_ES2RR 1306144
>  28 OH1MDR_OH1MM 1301460
>  29 S50A_S59AA 1284745
>  30 G4PIQ_G4BWP 1283814
>  31 SP7GIQ_SP2FAX 1266594
>  32 YL2KL_YL3DW 1251340
>  33 A61AJ_K1ZM_N6ZZ 1241856
>  34 5B4ADA_5B4WN 1220648
>  35 OK2FD_OK2ZU 1213158
>  36 SM5IMO_SM3SGP 1205592
>  37 JM1CAX_JE1JKL 1200112
>  38 N5KO_N1YC 1128960
>  39 OH6EI_OH2XX 1126400
>  40 NT1N_AG9A 1100075
>  41 F6FGZ_F5NLY 1085348
>  42 YT1AD_YU7NU 1065766
>  43 VE7SV_VE7AHA 1046331
>  44 UA9BA_RN9AO 1043535
>  45 DJ6QT_DL2OBF 1002708
>  46 LU7DW_LU1FAM 989349
>  47 PP5JR_PY1KN 987972
>  48 EA3KU_EA3AIR 964965
>  49 ZS6EZ_ZS4TX 903756
>  50 S56M_S57AL 882016
>  51 IK2QEI_I4UFH 873167
>  52 UN9LW_UN7LAN 710127

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