[NCC] Fwd: Goosefest/NCC
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 08:16:35 EDT
In a message dated 7/23/2002 7:07:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time, W8AV writes:
> The Third annual Gooseapalooza will be held on Saturday August 17, 2002 at
> the QTH of W8AV in Wooster, OH. Starting time will be around 1 PM and
> continue until about 6 PM. This will give the bikers time to finish the
> tour of Gooseland ride that they make each year. I will again provide
> burgers, weiners, and potato chips, beer and pop for the event. Please
> feel free to bring some type of picnic food to add to the table. Also
> please bring a lawn chair to sit on as my stock of chairs is limited to
> about 9 chairs or so.
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