[NCC] N9RV & K3LR @ OJ4M

Tim Duffy K3LR k3lr@k3lr.com
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 08:47:56 -0500

WRTC Callsign: OJ4M
Host Station:  OH2HXT
Host Man: Tapio Soinsaari
Referee: Pauli, OH7BX
USA Team Operators:  Pat, N9RV &  Tim, K3LR

Two Icom IC781 Transceivers (PIN diode version) running 100 watts
One Icom CT17 computer interface for Radio A
One K3LR CW sending interface with PTT control for Radio A
Two Pentium desk top DOS computers running the latest CT software load
connected via dedicated ethernet (Tnx W9ZRX)
Two Dunestar auto switching bandpass filters (Tnx K8AZ)
Two Top Ten antenna/bandpass switching interfaces (Tnx K8AZ)
Four Top Ten High Isolation four port RF switches for automatic antenna
K3LR custom receiver front end protector for Radio B
K3LR custom auto bypass + receiver RF splitting switch
Heil BM10 boom microphone with custom headphone package for Radio A
Heil Proset headphones for Radio B

Thanks to our support team:
On site coach and logistics handler: Mike, W8YZ
USA coach:  Dave, W9ZRX
Crew Chief Engineer:  Scott, N3RA
Legal advisor: Tom, K8AZ
WRTC 2000 historian and planning: Ron, K8NZ
NCC Special Advisor: Bob, W3GH/OH2

Special thanks to Martti, OH2BH, OH1RX, OH1NOA, OH2MA, OH2IW, K3EST,
G3SXW, OH2MM and the rest of the CCF/SRAL for the tremendous
organization and hospitality extended to N9RV and me during WRTC 2002. I
cannot imagine a better place to have WRTC than Finland!

Very 73,
Tim K3LR
