[NCC] WB6ACU - Rock 'n Roll Radio

Scott Detloff K8DX k8dx@raex.com
Thu, 14 Mar 2002 14:43:21 -0500

Check out the link to Joe's shack.  Thought some of you guys might like =
to see this.


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                  Group: Members
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                  Posted: Mar. 05 2002,16:10   =20

                  I was listening to FM broadcast on my way to the =
airport last week and caught Steve Dahl, a long-time local radio =
personality, interviewing his pal Joe Walsh of 'Eagles' fame.  As some =
of you might know, Joe is a ham (WB6ACU)!

                  They were talking about all his gear and were asking =
for any Chicago hams to call in to arrange a QSO with Joe on 20 meters =
so that the listening audience could hear him in action.

                  Of all the dumb luck!  Here I was, in my truck with no =
HF gear and too far from home to turn around since I had a plane to =
catch.  I never found out if he got to chat with anyone, but in case you =
are interested, you can find photos of Joe's shacks (yes, three of them! =
at the following link from Steve's web site.

                  http://www.dahl.com/archives/photos/LA2002/index.htm =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,14:42   =20

                  Hey thanks for the note on the Steve dahl and Joe =
interview. I am living in N. Nevada now. I was born and raised in =
chicago and Old steve and gary are chicago icon. I miss listening to =
steve. I know gary parted ways too. I only have been here 4 years. Its =
funny what thing you miss. Gosh I wonder if Johnathan Brandmeier and =
Kevin Mattews are still on the air.  73 thanks it was a good cheer up =
for a gloomy day today.=20

                  John McGrath
                  W9JCM =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,15:25   =20

                  I'm happy to hear that Joe Walsh is a ham and is =
actually still alive!I was at one of his concerts in 1974 or 75.He was =
onstage singing and sucking hard on a bottle of liquor.All of a sudden =
he stops and lets out a giant puke,right onstage,hi hi.He then proceeds =
to wipe his lips with his shirtsleeve and go right back to =
singing!Hardly missed a beat.My friends and I were amazed and greatly =
admired him after that.
                  I wonder if he had one of those "Tequila Sunrises"the =
next morning?Anyhow,best 73 regards to Joe and glad to hear he survived =
"The Long Run"

                  Mike  kc2ixc =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,15:43   =20

                  What a blast from the past! I grew up in Chicago also =
and was WB9QMZ back in the late '70s. I still remember Steve in the =
mornings on WLUP "The Loop 98"...the anti-disco campaign...and his phony =
gang, the "Insane Coho Lips"! I still have a 45 record somewhere of him =
singing "Ayatollah" to the tune of "My Sharona"!
                  He looks pretty much the same except his hair is =
silver now!  We're all gettin' old!
                  Thanks for the memories!

                  Andy K3NP =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,16:38   =20

                  I feel deprived, since my family was from Chicago, but =
I know nothing about the town or radio history there.  So here's one for =
the guys who were rock radio listeners in the NY City market in the =
70's. =20

                  I was a regular user of the 147.36 machine in =
Manhattan (on the then-RCA building) and one day a ham came on saying he =
had Jimmy Fink with him.  Fink was a popular DJ on WPLJ (in the days of =
rock).  So I got to chat with Fink and HE said his other friend Joe =
Walsh was with them.  Apparently the ham who originally got on the =
machine didn't know Joe was a ham.  What a repeater party that night =
turned into. =20

                  So much for old memories, huh?  WPLJ has played noise =
for the past 20 years, and I still can't find my WABC-FM poster.  (what =
would THAT be worth these days?)


                  Freehold, NJ =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,17:19   =20

                  Joe Walsh will be here in St. Petersburg, Florida in a =
couple of weeks. He plays in the old timers Baseball game for Childrens =
Hospital. He has been doing it for years. I didn't know he was a Ham, so =
maybe I can get a minute with him and talk radio. My brother in law =
knows him and usually picks him up at the airport for the weekend of the =

                  KG4FGZ =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,17:31   =20

                  Here is Joe's Web Page.

                  KG4FGZ =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,17:56   =20

                  Great....I know Steve and Joe both....from the =
Eagles...my favorite "Take it to the Limit" fame.....

                  You will have more opportunities.  From  my days of =
the REO SpeedWagon in Champaign.

                  You my friend have made my day!

                  Thanks so much & 73 my brother ham! It is a small =
world indeed!

                  N9AS   260 =20


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,21:08   =20

                  Joe owes me a qsl card from when he was on one of the =
channel islands off the coast of california a few years ago.
                  I sent him one, and he never sent me one back.
                  He was supposed to as he had checked into a net that =
was for exchanging qsl cards. I guess there are two sets of rules, one =
for the priveledged and one for the rest.
                  By the way, puking drunk on stage really shows class.  =


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                  Posted: Mar. 06 2002,23:59   =20

                  8--> Quote (kc6ufe @ Mar. 06 2002,218)=20
                        Joe owes me a qsl card from when he was on one =
of the channel islands off the coast of california a few years ago.
                        I sent him one, and he never sent me one back.
                        He was supposed to as he had checked into a net =
that was for exchanging qsl cards. I guess there are two sets of rules, =
one for the priveledged and one for the rest.
                        By the way, puking drunk on stage really shows =

                  Joe owes me a qsl card from when he was on one of the =
channel islands off the coast of california a few years ago.

                  To owe someone a QSL card really is a figure of =
speech.  No HAM actually owes another anything for a QSO.  That being =
said, a QSL card is nice, and an eQSL card is even nicer (for some less =
is more).
                  I guess there are two sets of rules

                  There is no rule.  Even if you send an SASE delivered
                  Fed-EX to a station you worked, it is perfectly OK for =
them NOT to send you a card.  *(Unless they expressly agreed that they =
would)*.  The card is a courtesy, and NOT a requirement. =20

                  These are my opinions of course and maybe there are =
nets where QSL for every QSO is an absolute requirement, but I am not =
aware of any.
                  puking drunk on stage really shows class.

                  Sounds like he barely missed a beat.  I'm sure he =
didn't mean to puke on you.  I wish I could sell tickets to similiar =

                  73 =20

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