[NCC] SS CW N8AA Single Op LP

John S. Comella john_n8aa@ameritech.net
Mon, 4 Nov 2002 11:31:21 -0500

500 Qs X 80 Sections =3D 80,000

Got off to a good start Saturday but serious line noise limited =
operations to mainly S&P.  Wind was very strong blowing utility lines =
etc which generated lots of noise.  Sunday wasn't so bad but by then too =
much time had elapsed so settled for 500 Qs.  Also had trouble with the =
main tuning dial on the FT-1000MP.  Tried adjusting the torque spring =
but it wouldn't work.  Hope to get it fixed before CQWW.  Has anyone had =
this problem with the MP?

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