[NCC] Fwd: K8AL WWCW Thrashing About
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 09:00:28 EST
Here is the K8AL report from WW cw.
In a message dated 11/24/02 9:11:43 PM Pacific Standard Time, k8al@juno.com
> BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Countries Zones
> ___________________________________________________________
> 160CW 21 21 44 17 11
> 80CW 59 59 158 54 19
> 40CW 181 181 510 114 33
> 20CW 255 255 719 112 35
> 15CW 317 317 899 125 33
> 10CW 397 396 1154 109 29
> ___________________________________________________________
> Totals 1230 1229 3484 531 160
> Final Score = 2,407,444 points.
> Here I am, back from the hill, smelling like a goat - looks like 39 hours
> on the #>&@ radio!
> Arsenal:
> FT-1000 + Narrow 250 Hz + HF-2500 for "run" band, AL-82 for search/pounce
> 160m: 1/4 wave sloper at 75'
> 80m: 1/4 wave sloper at 75'
> 40m: Force12 Mag140N dipole at 79' (new - like it!)
> 20m: Hy-Gain 204BA at 78'
> 15m: Hy-Gain 155BA at 63'
> 10m: Hy-Gain 105BA at 52'
> Nothing smoked this time! Lousy rate, though. Best full-hour was 112,
> below my best of 160+. Just couldn't sustain it. Prefer to think it was
> propagation rather than incompetence (fat chance). Really need to build
> SO2R, just don't want to cope with / pay for that. Currently use second
> VFO and manual relay-switching to easy-tune AL-82 for search/pounce.
> Kind of a Field Day operation, actually.
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