[NCC] web page and scores pages updated
Dan Kovatch
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 17:33:44 -0500
Hope everyone had a great time in the CW weekend of WW. I finally have =
the scores from SSB and CW up on the web page. I have also made a change =
in the schedule (per the large Khuna) of the net. If I don't have your =
score on the chart let me know. I am still in the process of tranferring =
data and files from my old machine to the new one and may have missed a =
score or twelve. Ron(K8NZ) has posted the URL for the K8AZ pics and I'll =
be adding a link on the web page soon. Please check your info on the =
roster page also and if anything has changed let me know so I can update =
Have a Happy TG and CU in the ARRL 160 and 10 contests as well as at the =
annual AZ bash at Xmas.
73 fer now=20
web guru
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